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  • 法总受邀参与第二届世界佛教论坛

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    Dharma Realm News
    法 界 音
    Dharma Realm Buddhist Association Participates in Second World Buddhist Forum
    沙弥尼近经 英译 Translated into English by Shramanerika Jin Jing
    编辑部文 By Editorial Staff
    「和谐世界众缘和合」这是 第二届世界佛教论坛所揭橥的 宗旨.际此世界刀兵不息,天 灾不断,又值金融海啸席卷全 球,导致人心惶惶不安之际, 世界佛教论坛集合了五大洲, 近六十个国家的僧尼,以及学 者专家一千七百名,从三月二十八日 至四月一日,在台湾海峡两岸的无 锡,台北共聚一堂,提出三百四十余 篇论文,共同来探讨如何以种种善缘 改变世道人心,安定社会,使世界趋 向和谐,其所宣示的宗旨,确实具有 非凡之时代意义. 法界佛教总会会长恒实法师及比 丘近梵,谭果式居士应邀与会.论坛 於二十八日上午在太湖畔的灵山梵宫 举行,隆重的欢迎仪式,庄严宏伟的 会场,让与会者耳目一新.主会场可 容两千人,为圆形状.开幕式在八点 半展开,首先由大型交响乐和男女混 声合唱的揭开序幕, 接著播放论坛主题片——和谐世界 众缘和合.主办方中国佛教协会一诚 长老,国际佛光会星云长老,香港佛 教联合会觉光长老共同为大会拈香祝 福及致词.南传,北传,藏传佛教僧 侣,以及佛教界的专家学者,济济一 堂,使得会场内弥漫著无比祥和的气 氛. 上午九点半,全天候的「大会发 言」以七个梯次进行,邀请佛教界 46
    金 刚 菩 提 海 二○○九年五月
    "A Harmonious World, A Synergy of Conditions." This was the main theme of the Second World Buddhist Forum (WBF). In this time of unceasing wars and natural disasters along with the global financial crisis, people are in a state of anxiety. The World Buddhist Forum was an occasion for over 1,700 monks, nuns and scholars from nearly sixty countries on five continents to convene in Wuxi, China and Taipei, Taiwan from March 18th to April 1st. Over 340 papers were submitted discussing how to utilize wholesome conditions to change secular people's minds in order to bring peace and stability to the society. The purpose of this forum is of unusual significance for this era. Dharma Master Heng Sure, the Chairman of Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, Bhikshu Jin Fan and a laywoman, Madalena Tam, were invited to participate in this forum. The WBF's opening ceremony was held on March 28th in the Lingshan Buddhist Palace on the shores of Lake Taihu. Participants were uplifted by the solemn ceremony held in the magnificent arena. The cylindrical main meeting hall had a capacity of two thousand people. The opening ceremony began with a staged performance of "Song of Auspiciousness" at 8:30 a.m., followed by a slideshow on the Forum's main theme, "A Harmonious World, A Synergy of Conditions." Master Yi Cheng, president of the Buddhist Association of China, Master Hsing Yun, founder of the Taiwan-based Fo Guang Shan Monastery, and Master Kok Kwong, president of Hong Kong Buddhist Association, offered incense at the altar on behalf of all the participants and each gave an opening speech for WBF. With monastics from the Theravada, Mahayana and Tibetan traditions along with Buddhist scholars all gathering in this place, the entire forum was imbued with auspicious energy. At 9:30 a.m., the all-day "Plenary Session" took place in seven phases. Every Buddhist delegate was given six minutes to speak. The topics included how Buddhism can participate in building social harmony, tradition and innovation in Buddhism, Buddhist education, Buddhist charity, Buddhism in


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