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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    Prof. Dr. Kai-Alexander Schlevogt ("Prof. Kai)
    Associate Professor of Management Practice National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School
    Kai-Alexander Schlevogt (D.Phil. Oxford) is an expert in transformational leadership, with a particular focus on crisis management and innovation. He serves as the first professor of management practice at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School. KaiAlexander writes the widely-read column "Prof. Kai on Strategic Leadership" for the Jakarta Post, the leading English-language newspaper in Indonesia. He also serves as columnist for Euro, the largest monthly capital market magazine in Germany. The European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), the leading association for management research in Europe, appointed him as its National Correspondent for China. Besides, Kai-Alexander is an active member of the Academy of Management and Academy of International Business in the USA, as well as the Asia Academy of Management, the leading association for management research and practice in Asia. He holds an appointment as the Country Representative for Germany and China of the Academy of Management's International Division. Kai-Alexander has also been invited to become a Member of Duke Corporate Education (CE)'s Global Learning Resource Network, an elite circle of the world's top executive educators. He also served as Program Director of the Nestlé Global Leadership Program, delivered in association with the London Business School (LBS). Besides, he joined the renowned London Speaker Bureau. Kai-Alexander was appointed as Fellow of the McKinsey & Co. Global Institute (MGI), San Francisco and Shanghai, responsible for developing and implementing a MGI research agenda in Asia, with a special emphasis on public policy, economics and management. Before being awarded the MGI Fellowship, Kai-Alexander founded the Schlevogt Business School, the first business school in Germany focusing on European-Chinese economic relationships, and served as its President. He was also appointed as the first regular foreign professor in the history of Peking University. At its Guanghua School of Management, Kai-Alexander served as a professor of strategic management and international business, as well as senior research fellow, teaching his students management in Chinese. He was also a senior faculty member at the Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM), a joint venture of the University of New South Wales and the University of Sydney. Besides, he served as Visiting Full Professor at the Henley Management College (UK). He held two appointments at Harvard University, one as Associate at the Harvard Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Asia Center, another as Visiting Scholar at the Harvard Business School (HBS). Further, he was elected as an editorial board member of the Asia Pacific Journal of Management, the official journal of the Asia Academy of Management. Before joining Harvard, he worked as a strategic management consultant for McKinsey & Co. in Greater China. His consulting experience includes helping the Malaysian Prime Minister develop an "electronic government" and other flagship applications for the Multimedia Supercorridor (MSC). He also advised some of the largest Chinese and multinational Page 1 of 2


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