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  • commercial-ready

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    I. Introduction
    ■ What is the Pilot Project for Environmental Technology Verification
    Advanced environmental technologies, even though they are commercial-ready and seem to be useful, have not necessarily been pervasive widely since the users such as local governments, companies and citizens, cannot make selection of those technologies because of the lack in objective assessments, concerning the performance in environmental conservation. Ministry of the Environment (MOE) of Japan, therefore, launched the Pilot Project of the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) in fiscal year 2003 as a trial implementation of ETV, to verify objectively the performance of the advanced environmental technologies by third parties. The expectations through this project are as follows; dissemination of the technologies verified in this project developed by venture companies etc. will be promoted, environmental conservation would be achieved, economic activity, such as those in the regional environmental industries would be stimulated, suitable method and system of ETV would be established. Figure: Structure for Project Implementation
    Figure: Flow of the Pilot Project for Environmental Technology Verification
    ■ Selection of target verification technology fields
    In the implementation guidance for the Pilot Project for the Environmental Technology Verification in FY 2003, the scope of the selection of target technology fields was defined as follows: (1) Technology field whose developers and users (such as local governments, consumers) require verification. (2) Technology field for which technology verification is effective to promote their dissemination. (3) Technology field for which verification system such as technology certification, has not been implemented by other conventional systems. (4) Technology field for which verification is possible because; a. Verification is possible in terms of budget and implementation system. b. Verification test procedures can be established properly. After discussions in the committee on the pilot project for environmental technology verification, the following target technical fields were selected. (1) Ethylene oxide treatment technologies (2) Organic wastewater treatment technologies for small-scale establishments


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