• 阿拉斯加康力士鱼蛋白 > 南京农业大学学报
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    南京农业大学学报 2004 , 27 (2) : 79~82
    Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University
    草鱼等 8 种淡水鱼血清凝集素作用的比较
    ( 南京农业大学农业部动物疫病诊断与免疫重点开放实验室 , 江苏 南京 210095)
    摘要 : 选取 8 种常见养殖鱼 : 团头鲂 ,二龄草鱼与 4~5 月龄草鱼 ,加州鲈 ,银鲫 ,胡子鲇 ,鲢 ,鳙和黄鳝 , 采其血清 , 检测其对人和不同动物红细胞的凝集作用 , 并比较不同糖 ,酶 ,理化因素和脂溶剂等对鱼血清凝集兔红细胞的影响 .试 验显示 , 草鱼等 8 种常见养殖鱼血清对人和不同动物的红细胞均有一定的凝集作用 , 表明均存在血清凝集素 .黄鳝 ,二 龄草鱼血清凝集效价较高 , 二龄草鱼血清凝集效价远高于 4 ~ 5 月龄草鱼 .兔红细胞经胰蛋白酶修饰后 , 不同鱼血清对 其凝集效价显著升高 ; 甘露糖 ,半乳糖和乳糖对鱼血清凝集素凝集活性有较强的抑制作用 ; EDTA ,巯基乙醇与胰蛋白酶 等均能导致草鱼等血清凝集素凝集活性的下降 . 关键词 : 凝集素 ; 团头鲂 ; 草鱼 ; 加州鲈 ; 银鲫 ; 胡子鲇 ; 鲢 ; 鳙 ; 黄鳝 ; 红细胞凝集试验 ; 胰蛋白酶修饰 中图分类号 : Q513 + 12 ; S917 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1000 2030 (2004) 02 0079 04
    Hypophthalmichthys molitrix ; Aristichthys nobilis ; Monopteurs albus ; hemagglutination activity ; trypin treat
    收稿日期 : 2003 06 14
    lucp @njau. edu. cn
    Comparison of the hemagglutination activity of serum lectins from grass carp and other seven cultured fishes
    ( Key Laboratory of Animal Disease Diagnostic and Immunology , Nanjing Agricultural University , Nanjing 210095 , China) WU Chao , LU Cheng2ping 3
    Abstract : In order to estimate whether lectins exist in the sera of common cultured fishes and discover their properties and differences , the
    cropterus salmoides , Carassius auratus , Clarias f uucus , Hypophthalmichthys molitrix , Aristichthys nobilis and Monopteurs albus. The fish
    glutination assay indicated that sera from seven cultured fishes had different agglutinabilities to animal and human erythrocytes. The sera from Monopteurs albus , mature Ctenopharygodon idllus and Aristichthys nobilis had the highest agglutinability. The fish sera agglutinabili2 ities of fish sera could be inhibited by mannose , galactose and lactose. treated with EDTA , β mercaptanethanol or trypsin. It indicated that fish serum lectins were sensitive to some factors , and the agglutinabil 2 2 Key words : lectins ; Megalobrama amlycepnala ; Ctenopharygodon idllus ; Micropterus salmoides ; Carassius auratus ; Clarias f uucus ; ties were increased when rabbit erythrocytes were treated with 1 U· - 1 trypsin. The agglutinabilities were declined when fish sera were mL


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