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  • iTunes

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    iTunes '08 Tutorial for PC
    Getting started with iTunes '08:
    iTunes can be used to download and listen to music and podcasts. You can access the iTunes Stores as well as watch movies and TV shows that you have created or downloaded. To begin, click on the iTunes icon located in the dock. The application will launch and iTunes's main window will open:
    You will notice along the left-hand side of the main window is a panel filled with tabs that allow you to access different types of media, your playlists, and the iTunes store. To move music that you already have into iTunes, go to "File" and select "Import…" You can then browse through music saved on your computer, an external drive, or a CD. Select the music you want to import and click on the "Open" button to begin bringing your music into iTunes. 1
    Using the iTunes Store:
    As long as your computer is connected to the Internet you can also connect to the iTunes store. To launch the store, click on its icon in the panel on the left side of the main window. The iTunes Store will open and you can browse for music, movies, TV shows, and more. The easiest way to look for something is by using the "Search" field (circled). This will find and display all entries that match the terms you enter.
    To access material on Denison's iTunes U page, select the iTunes U button in the "iTunes STORE" menu on the left side of the main window. This will open the iTunes U page. To find all of Denison's material from here, select the "Universities and Colleges" button under the "Find Education Providers" menu. This will open an alphabetized list of schools that are part of iTunes U. You can then find Denison listed and select it. This will launch Denison's iTunes U page where material can be accessed.
    Continued on next page…
    Using the iTunes Store (continued):
    After browsing through iTunes U, or the iTunes store, and choosing the items that you want to listen to, you must first download these items to your iTunes Library. The podcasts in Denison's iTunes U area are all free to download. To move these items into your library, just select "Get" under the "Price" heading.


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