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  • field trip to the moon

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    文档作者:Lenovo User
    Get ready to experience
    Field Trip to the Moon!
    "Mission Control … we're ready for lift-off"
    Field Trip to the Moon is a virtual journey that was created using NASA engineering models and scientific data. Like NASA's astronauts, you and your students will come face-to-face with the challenges and excitement of launching from Earth's surface and journeying through space to land on the Moon. Along the way, you'll discover some of the differences between the Earth and the Moon and what makes our planet unique and habitable.
    You'll find:
    More about the show Classroom Activities
    Fasten your virtual seatbelts and enjoy the journey!
    Introduction: 3 minutes Feature Presentation: 21 minutes
    (available with and without narration)
    Extras: 7 minutes
    amnh.org/education/ftm www.nasa.gov
    IMAGE CREDITS: Earth, Moon, and illustrations of lunar base and spacecraft landing, NASA; solar wind, NASA, ESA, SOHO; illustration of magnetic field, AMNH 2007 American Museum of Natural History
    Field Trip to the Moon explores the following key concepts:
    The Earth System Has Natural Defenses
    Harmful radiation, fast-moving meteoroids … outer space can be a dangerous place. Luckily, our planet is protected by its natural defenses.
    The Lunar Environment Is Unprotected
    Without a magnetic field or an atmosphere, the Moon is exposed to the Sun's radiation and potential impacts. Moon explorers also face many other challenges. There is electrically charged soil that makes moondust cling to everything. And without an atmosphere to moderate the Moon's temperatures, it gets as cold as -250F and as hot as 250F!
    Artist's rendition of future commercial lunar base.
    The Moon Is Vital to Human Space Exploration
    Earth is protected by an invisible magnetic field, visualized here in blue.
    Did you know that humans plan to once again land on and explore the Moon In decades ahead, NASA plans to build a new outpost on the Moon. This site, along with the International Space Station, will be a place for astronauts to prepare for missions to Mars and beyond. They will be testing new approaches, systems, and operations for sustainable human and robotic missions.


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