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  • Panoutsakopoulou

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    Peer Support Training Manual
    Edited by
    Amanda Kracen
    Written and compiled by Staff Members of the Student Counselling Service
    (including Amanda Kracen, Annemarie Naughton, Jenny O'Reilly, Vicky Panoutsakopoulou, Natalie Rooney)
    This training manual was written for Trinity College's Peer Support Project, funded by the Higher Education Authority. Available on-line at: http://www.tcd.ie/Student_Counselling/
    Student Counselling Service Trinity College Dublin 2003
    This manual is the result of our experience in establishing a peer support programme during the last three years. It is a practical resource to be drawn from, and not an exact blueprint for peer support training. We hope you will find this manual accessible and useful. The materials will most likely need to be added to, subtracted from and adapted depending on the organisational culture, the exact audience, and their training needs. As you use this training manual, we suggest that you add your own materials so that it becomes a library of ideas.
    The employees of the Student Counselling Service at Trinity College Dublin developed this training manual. We are making this resource available in good faith and in the spirit of academic collaboration. We have endeavoured to cite materials and activities when the origins are known; however some are drawn from materials that have been used for many years. This makes referencing somewhat difficult. If there are materials or activities that are not appropriately referenced, we welcome your comments. There have been many individuals who have contributed to this project. Most particularly we would like to acknowledge Deirdre Flynn, Director of the Student Counselling Service, and Dr. Katie Baird, both of whom have been a source of invaluable guidance and expertise. Pauline Coary and Eimear Hanbidge have graciously provided administrative support, while Derek Richards developed the associated website (www.tcd.ie/student_counselling/). Thanks is also due to the other staff members of the Student Counselling Service who assisted in various different ways. They are Tenia Kalliontzi, Laurie Lumsden, Claire Moloney, and Tamara O'Connor. We also extend our appreciation and thanks to our colleagues at the Dublin Institute of Technology, specifically John Broderick, Jennifer Hughes, and Peter Brown. They generously shared their experiences and materials from the DIT peer mentoring programme that has been in operation for the past four years.


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