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  • (薄氏腹针疗法)

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    In this paper, four main criteria were established:
    1. The acupoint Shénquè (神阙) at the embryological stage, has formed
    the cornerstone of all the macroscopic regulation of the body.
    2. It forms the mother-system of all the meridians in the body known as
    the Shénquè (神阙调控系统) system or "AMS".
    3. The Shénquè system is also responsible for the Qì (communication)
    between the meridians, the auto regulation of blood vessels and
    therefore the body's circulation.
    4. It also acts as the core centre of the Meridian System.
    Q. What is the abdominal meridian system (AMS)
    A. The AMS is a network of meridian acupoints governed by the Shénquè
    system. The system regulates the distribution of Qi and Blood to the whole
    body. By puncturing specific acupoints on the abdomen, the Shénquè system
    can be employed to correct disharmonies and achieve a holistic balance.
    There are three different levels of puncturing depth, unlike the standard levels
    of Heaven, Man and Earth used in the Jing Lou system, which are used to
    treat various disorders. Each level has its own functional mechanism and
    therapeutic effect.
    Q. Can you talk more about these three levels please
    A. Yes, the three levels can be set out like this:
    The superficial level is located on the congenital AMS, which develops
    together with the embryo and involves the areas of the head, torso and the
    upper and lower limbs. The congenital AMS location is represented by the
    map of a tortoise (figure 1). The intermediate level is located on the standard
    classical meridian system known as the Jing Luo, (经络系统). This system
    involves the connection between the superficial level of the congenital AMS
    and the acquired AMS on the deeper level.
    The deep level is located on the acquired AMS, which develops together with
    the organogenesis and involves all the visceral organs. The location of the


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