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  • church of the most holy redeemer march 21 2010 5 ...

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    Church of the Most Holy Redeemer November 6th , 2011 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time "Alleluia, Alleluia. Keep awake and be ready: you do not know when the Son of Man is coming. Alleluia." Pastoral Team Rev. Isaac Chackalaparampil, CMI Rev. Jose Thaipparampil, CMI Sister Lorraine Abbass Betty Doucette Linda Ward Paul McKenna 566-1031 David Arsenault 892-9810 Dan Doran 626-3157
    Pastor: Associate Pastor: Pastoral Associate: Pastoral Associate: Secretary: Parish Council: Finance Council: Refugee Committee:
    WEEKDAY MASSES: Mon: 9:00 Phyllis MacDonald Tues: 9:00 Intentions of Parishioners 10:30 Louis Power (Beach Grove) Wed: 9:00 Douglas Creelman ^ Thur: 9:00 Howard Arsenault & DFM Fri: 9:00 Lori Gallant : Michael MacKinnon ^: Richard Quinn 10:30 Evelyn & Wilfred Morrison ( 501 Queen Street ) Sat: 4:00 Ann Marie Cusack ^ Sun: 9:00 Joyce Coady : Margariette Hogan ^ 11:00 Intentions of Parishioners REFLECTION: READY OR NOT When was the last time you played hide and seek Remember being "it", counting, eyes hidden until you joyously shouted "ready or not, here I come!" What a feeling of exhilaration you had as you found that first player. And what surprise, even fear, was on the player's face if they didn't hear you coming. They knew you were searching, expected you to find them, but it was still a shock to see you suddenly appear in their calm, quiet place. Five virgins in today's parable must have felt exactly that when they heard the bridegroom's cry. Yes, they knew he was coming, and should have expected it, but it has been so quiet so long. All the waiting let them relax and forget the bridegroom's arrival. And he found them just as shocked, just as unprepared as the players in a hide and seek game. It's a lesson for us all to think about. Have we been living a peaceful life in such a safe place that we've forgotten the One who is searching for us Would we be prepared today if the Lord called " ready or not, here I come" PARISH : MEDIA PRESENTERS NEEDED for the 4 pm and 11 am masses. Very minimal computer experience necessary. We are in need of at least 3 new volunteers for each of these masses. If we do not get new volunteers, the slides may not be presented at either of these masses. Please consider volunteering for this important ministry. Please contact Linda Dennis at 566-4229. MEETING OF PARENTS OF FIRST COMMUNION CANDIDATES: Parents of children in the grade two First Communion class are advised of the meeting this Sunday, November 6th at 7 PM in the church. At this meeting an outline of the grade two program will be discussed along with plans for the preparation for First Eucharist. At least one parent should be present. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PANCAKE BREAKFAST :There will be a pancake breakfast sponsored by the Holy Redeemer Knights of Columbus On Sunday, November 6th from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM in the Jack Blanchard Family Centre. The cost is $ 5.00 for adults $ 3.00 for ages 7 – 12 those 6 and younger free. The menu consists of: pancakes and/or French Toast, sausages, baked beans, topping, syrup, and a beverage (coffee, tea, or juice). Come one, come all and enjoy a great breakfast and the company of your fellow parishioners. KING'S AND QUEEN'S COUNTY YOUTH MEET: First meeting of the King and the Queen's county youth of the diocese of Charlottetown will be held on Sunday, Nov. 13 th at 6.30 to 8 pm, at Holy Redeemer Parish Centre,Charlottetown (Jack Blanchard Family Centre). All


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