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  • cross-disciplinary

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    Message from the President
    Dear Colleagues, Learning is preeminent at California State University, Fullerton because our distinguished and dedicated faculty are engaged in a balanced combination of teaching, research, and service. Working closely with students of varying academic and cultural backgrounds, our faculty also develop mentoring relationships that provide students - undergraduate and graduate - with opportunities to participate in research and scholarly endeavors. Cal State Fullerton is recognized as a model for the extent to which our faculty help students participate in research projects that result in publications. Many of our faculty have national and international reputations in their respective disciplines. Many also have a reputation for bringing students with them to present research at regional and national professional and scientific meetings; for co-authoring with students, papers and manuscripts in peerreviewed publications; and, for creating opportunities for students to display their talents in the arts at important university events as well as nationally and abroad. This commitment by our faculty to the teacher-scholar ideal is providing the finest academic learning experience possible, both in and outside the classroom. Through the learning environments created in our classrooms, laboratories, and studios, faculty make it possible for our students to reach their full potential and to realize their personal and professional goals. I hope you enjoy this issue of the Faculty Research in Review. I am proud of the scholarship and creative accomplishments of our faculty over the past year. This record of scholarship is remarkable and brings honor not only to our faculty but also to our university, and to The California State University.
    Milton A. Gordon President
    Message from the Vice President for Academic Affairs


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