• docstogo是什么 > toshiyukimiyoshi@fsagojp
  • toshiyukimiyoshi@fsagojp

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:PDF   更新时间:2006-12-01   下载次数:0   点击次数:1
    Credit risk Profitability
    Credit concentration risk
    Interviews and requesting reports
    New addition
    Market risk
    Other risks
    Interest rate risk in the banking book
    Credit Risk Improvement Measures 影响额
    The amount affected by the emergence of a large credit risk.
    New addition
    Stability Improvement Measures さ Outlier Level (Interest rate risk amountさ exceeds 20% of the sum of
    Tier1 and Tier2 capital)
    More appropriate risk management is prompted.
    Evaluation and review by the FSA
    Cash Flow Improvement Measures

    Consideration for proportionality of small- and medium-sized and regional financial institutions

    Consideration for the stability of financial markets
    Today's Presentation
    1. 2. 3.
    Off-site monitoring conducted by the FSA Examples of macro-prudential analysis Challenges to a greater emphasis on macro-prudential elements in Japan's supervisory framework
    Elements of macro-prudential analysis are (being put) in place
    Off-site monitoring system Data and information necessary for macro-prudential analysis are already available
    VaR analysis and/or stress testing at the aggregate level has been conducted as needed
    Early warning system Impact of fluctuations in securities prices on balance sheets is analysed Implementing Basel II IRB banks: regular conduct of stress testing is a requirement for approval Pillar 2: stress testing is or will be conducted with respect to credit concentration risk, and interest rate risk in the banking book
    However, one might characterise this analysis as…
    Essentially a bottom-up approach Mainly micro-prudentially oriented, particularly regarding credit risk (greater emphasis is placed on the circumstances specific to individual banks and/or local economies) Being conducted on a confidential basis
    Macro-prudential analysis by the Bank of Japan


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