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  • toshiyukimiyoshi@fsagojp

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    The views expressed in these papers are those of the authors only, and the presence of them, or of links to them, on the IMF website does not imply that the IMF, its Executive Board, or its management endorses or shares the views expressed in the papers.
    Financial Services Agency Government of Japan
    Financial Stability Analysis in Japan
    Toshiyuki Miyoshi Director for International Banking Regulations e-mail: toshiyuki.miyoshi@fsa.go.jp 8 November 2006
    Note: the views expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and do not necessarily reflect those of the FSA.
    Today's Presentation
    1. 2. 3.
    Off-site monitoring conducted by the FSA Examples of macro-prudential analysis Challenges to a greater emphasis on macro-prudential elements in Japan's supervisory framework
    Today's Presentation
    1. 2. 3.
    Off-site monitoring conducted by the FSA Examples of macro-prudential analysis Challenges to a greater emphasis on macro-prudential elements in Japan's supervisory framework
    Off-site monitoring by the FSA
    Continuous and quantitative monitoring of conditions of financial institutions in the intervals between on-site inspections
    Profitability Market Risk Liquidity Risk Credit Risk
    Regular reporting from banks on a number of figures and issues that relates to the soundness of financial institutions Simulations and analyses Feedbacks to and regular consultations with financial institutions, and additional reporting and consultations on the FSA's request whenever necessary
    Early warning system
    Introduced in December 2002 innovations Ensuring effectiveness in response toto monitor the soundness of banks and toReflectingvulnerabilities that may not andreflected in the identify advances in risk management be corporate governance deterioration of capital adequacy Incorporating recent developments in regulation, supervision and disclosure requirements The monitoring focuses on: Strengthening financial abuse and AML/CFT elements Profitability


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