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  • 打字学拼音

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    打字学拼音 Learn PinYin While Typing
    qi1 zhi1 ya1 zi5
    Wu3 shi2 si4 ge5 xi1 gua1
    Wo3 de5 di4 yi1 ci4 Ri4 ben3 fu4 nv3 / ta1 gei3 wo3 bi3
    Yi4 qi3 he1 niu2 nai3 / wu3 ge5 ji1 mu4
    Yi2 jie2 ke4
    wo3 hen3 kuai4 le4
    薛意梅电脑学中文教材 – 拼音规则 P. 1
    键盘 Keyboard Map Qㄑ Aㄚ Zㄗ 声调 Tones : W Sㄙ Xㄒ Eㄜ Dㄉ Cㄘ Rㄖ Fㄈ Vㄩ Tㄊ Gㄍ Bㄅ Y Hㄏ Nㄋ Uㄨ Jㄐ Mㄇ Iㄧ Kㄎ Oㄛ Lㄌ Pㄆ
    1 st Tone Flat 2 nd Tone Up See
    3 rd Tone Down & Up again 4 th Tone Down
    说明 Note 1. Chinese Input uses 1,2,3,4 and 5 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and light tone 2. Initials of "zh","ch","sh","r","z","c","s" come with "i" : zhi1 (知),chi1(吃),shi1(师),ri4(日),zi3(子),ci4(次),si4(四) 3. When final of "i" not preceded by an initial, final of "i" changes to "y" : yi1(衣),ya1(呀),ye4(叶),yao4(要),you3(有),yan4(厌),yin4(印), yang1(央),ying1(英),yong4(用) 4. When final of "u" not preceded by an initial, the final of "u" changes to "w": wu1(屋),wa1(蛙),wo3(我),wai4(外),wei4(为),wan2(完), wen2(文),wang2(王),weng1(翁) 5. When final of "ü" not preceded by an initial, the final of "ü" changes to "u": yu3(雨),yue4(月),yuan2(元),yun2(云) 6. When final of "ü" with "j" or "q" or "x", final of "ü" changes to "u" : ju4(句),qu4(去),xu3(许) 7. When final of "ü" comes with "n" or "l" , the final of "ü" changes to "v": nv3(女),lv4(绿) 8. When final of "iou"',"uei","uen" comes with initials, they change to "iu"',"ui","un" : niu2(牛),gui4(贵),lun4(论)
    薛意梅电脑学中文教材 – 拼音规则 P. 2
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