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  • Temporal/spatial

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    Chapter 6
    Concerning Meditation and Disciplines
    6.1 - A Review and a Synthesis
    hapter 3 introduced how everything in physical form is comprised of BTRs – Bubbles of Temporal/spatial Reference – within BTRs, within BTRs, within BTRs…; as well as, matrices within matrices within matrices…; mirrors within mirrors within mirrors… Chapter 4 presented a mental construct – model -- of a mortal mind/matrix BTR. Figure 4-4 and Chart 4-4 illustrate the constituent BTRs, their matrices, operational flows, and storages comprising the human mind/matrix -- Focus Control Buss with elements of the Perceptual Lens Array and Storages. Chapter 5 used labels presented in Chapter 4 and presented a formula that enables us to project or predict how effective that mind/matrix construct will be to any given event. And… how any given event will affect us. The following is a review of Figure 4-4, Chart 4-4, and the formula mind/matrix relationships (Figure 5-3), referred back to the previous labs and exercises. In addition, future exercises will be related to these figures and the formula. Aspects of these drawings (that are relevant to the exercises) will be noted.
    Exercise and Lab 1A exposes you to an automatic response that pertains to hearing something as an event. Exercise and Lab 1 exposes you to the effect Truth has on you when it is present in your mortal mind/matrix. It helps illustrate the two-way aspect of the formula of effectiveness by how something can affect you. The truth influence enters Knowledge storage through the Cognitive input of Figure 4-4. Hearing involves an audio perception going through the Perceptions/Desires Lens array. It must pass through elements of this array. What does the individual want from the event (DS) What perceptions do they have (how do they see) around the event (PS) and how do these perceptions flow through and how they affect the belief area All have an effect on what makes it through the lens to the Cognitive input. Whatever aspect of the event that makes it through the lens and has truth, ends up at the True point, and goes through the Cognitive input into Knowledge (Chart 4-4, E2) automatically. It is matched by what truth is in Knowledge, and adds to or compliments the information flow. The individual (Figure 4-4, [III]) is now receiving a number of inputs: one from


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