• together2008建模 > 可视计算中心访问教授
  • 可视计算中心访问教授

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    Jihad El-Sana Assistant professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, BenGurion University of the Negev. Research Interests Multi-resolution Hierarchies, View-dependent Rendering, Graphics Acceleration, Geometric Modeling, Computer Graphics, and Seungyong Lee Associate professor of computer science and engineering at Pohang University of Science and Te c h n o l o g y ( P O S T E C H ) . Research interests include 3D mesh processing, nonphotorealistic rendering, image and video processing, 3D surface reconstruction, and
    Virtual Environments.
    graphics applications.
    Talk Title: Adaptive Level-of-Detail Rendering for Virtual Environments. (Visited SIAT on May 17, 2008) Ruigang Yang Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Kentucky. Research interests include Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, and Multimedia. Talk Title: 3D Reconstruction and Visualization over Space and Time. (Visited SIAT on June 1, 2008)
    Talk Title: Statistical Methods for 3D Surface Reconstruction from Noisy Point Sets (Visited SIAT on July 18, 2008) George Wolberg Professor of Computer Science City College of New York / CUNY, Research interests include Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision. Talk Title: PhotoSketch: Photo-Centric Urban 3D Modeling Tool. (Visited SIAT on August 7, 2008)
    Siu-Wing Cheng Associate professor of the Department of Computer Science at HKUST. Research David Du areas include computational David Du geometry, algorithms, and data structures. Ta l k T i t l e : A d v a n c e s i n Surface Meshing (Visited SIAT on June 2, 2009).
    Steven Skiena Professor of Computer Science at SUNY Stony Brook. Research interests include the design of graph, string, and geometric algorithms, and their applications (particularly to biology). Talk Title: News and Blog Analysis with Lydia (Visited SIAT on June 2, 2009).
    Hanan Hanan Greg Greg Samet Samet Welch Welch


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