• contextualization > Re-contextualization
  • Re-contextualization

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    Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. ROC(C)
    Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 247-255
    Intertextual Talk as Collaborative Shared Inquiry in Learning
    English as a Foreign Language
    Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
    National Chung Cheng University
    Minghsiung, Chiayi, Taiwan, R.O.C.
    (Received April 29, 2000; Accepted March 6, 2001)
    The purpose of this study was to investigate how Taiwanese college students employed intertextual talk in the process
    of small-group text discussion. Forty-five Taiwanese college students, forming as fifteen small groups, participated in this
    study. All of the participants first read English texts individually and then discussed them with their peers. Text discussion
    data were audio tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim by two research associates. Topical units were first used to group and
    analyze the text discussion data, and then thematic analysis was employed to organize and construct all of the topical units into
    three themes of intertextual talks: Re-contextualization, Re-storying, and Reflection. The results indicate that the intertextual
    talk helped participants concentrate more on sharing personal stories, asking questions, and thinking about understanding what
    they were reading within a broader framework that went beyond merely discussing the story itself. The intertextual talk not
    only provided another perspective for participants to reshape a text, but also showed the participants a more sensible and
    meaningful way to learn English as a foreign language (EFL). Some pedagogical implications are suggested for English
    classroom practice.
    Key Words: text discussion, intertextual talk, topical units, thematic analysis, re-contextualization, re-storying, reflection
    I. Introduction
    Intertextuality is a natural part of reading. It emerges
    as a process whenever we as readers connect what we read


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