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  • life sciences 2010: delivering the blueprint. - bis

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    The UK Life Sciences industry is a world-leading, hightech industry that will be vital to Britain's future economy. Working in collaboration with academia and the NHS, the Life Sciences industry develops innovative medicines and medical technologies that bring benefits to patients here and around the world. It is a strong driver of economic growth and provides highly-skilled employment. Our world-leading position in Life Sciences is built on considerable existing strengths. The UK has an excellent science base, a huge pool of talented people and a National Health Service committed to providing high-quality care. Making the most of these strengths means making sure that Britain is one of the best places in the world to research and develop medicines and medical technologies. The creation of the Office for Life Sciences one year ago was a signal of the Government's commitment to an active policy that supports innovation and collaboration in Life Sciences. In July 2009, we published the Life Sciences Blueprint, an ambitious and comprehensive package of actions to secure the UK as the location of choice for global Life Sciences investment in the future. Life Sciences 2010 marks a year of action and achievement for Life Sciences in the UK. The UK Life Sciences Super Cluster, the Patent Box, the Innovation Pass, and the NHS Life Sciences Innovation Delivery Board are all changing the landscape for Life Sciences. They are already having a positive impact on investment decisions. The Office for Life Sciences has played an important role in this work. It has ensured that Government speaks with one voice on Life Sciences issues and brought added momentum and co-ordination. It has defined a new level of ambition for UK Life Sciences that we are committed to maintaining in the future. We are committed to maintaining the momentum we have generated over the past year. The Office for Life Sciences will be strengthened by the direct involvement of teams across Government working with the Life Sciences industry. At Ministerial level, Lord Drayson will maintain responsibility for the Office, and the Departments for Business, Innovation and Skills, and Health, will continue to share responsibility for the Life Sciences sectors within Government.


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