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  • (中华海外生态者协会会刊)

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    After a productive yet short two-year service, I am proudly concluding our term as the dedicated 2002-2004 Sino-Eco Committee. I had unique working experience with such a harmonious yet capable committee, which made serving Sino-Eco an immense pleasure. We focused on issues, shared responsibilities (time and efforts), and supported each other. Together, we have accomplished a great deal: amended membership bylaws, established and maintained an informative website, normalized frequent newsletters, organized two workshops and get togethers during the ESA, co-organized two symposiums with our Chinese colleagues, and established SinoEco Awards for Excellence in Graduate Research. Now, the Club maintains the highest membership and a cheerful and enthusiastic atmosphere, which helps reach a healthy and mature stage. I will cherish a life-time memory of the friendship developed with my devoted committee members and dedicated fellow members. I greatly appreciate you all gave me full trust, support, opportunities, and participations. At this special moment, some milestones in the past two years occurred in my mind. 1. We were excited by our very own website created and maintained by Chris Zou and Frank Chang. It provides an online home of our club activities, with features of publication list, member profiles, meeting presentations, and interactive forums. The web site stimulated the exchange between members and increased the Club profile. You will be more excited if you visit the site now (http://www. sino-eco.org). 2. With the leadership of Ben Gu and many supporting members nine wonderful issues (including this issue) of Sino-Eco newsletters were published with Chinese essays and colorful photos. These newsletters were not only welcomed by our overseas members, but also cheered from our colleagues in China. In particular, the Ecological Literature section brings us a fresh look of our friends and reveals many "hidden dragons and crunching tigers" among us, not only in academic achievements, but also in our mother language.


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