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  • childrenindeed

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:PDF   更新时间:2008-10-02   下载次数:0   点击次数:2
    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    文档作者:Daizong Li
    14: 28
    - Overcoming Adversity with Strength, Courage and Resilience
    Traffic stopped nationwide on Monday, May 19, at 2:28 p.m. It was an incredible sight as, looking down from my 25th-floor office in Beijing, I noticed that pedestrians, taxi drivers, construction workers, crane operators, police, school children—indeed, everyone—had stopped and lowered their heads. Beijing, a city of perpetual motion, came to an abrupt halt as people from all walks of life, from migrant workers to CEOs, took the time to reflect on the devastating events of the previous week. It seemed as if every person in China took a moment to bow their head Then something slightly startling and somehow appropriate happened. Horns blared and building fire alarms wailed across the city, mourning the dead and echoing the ongoing suffering of the Sichuan earthquake victims. The cacophony of sounds enveloped the city, giving a voice to the wails of pain that so many of us had been holding inside. It felt like the entire nation shed tears from the sea to the mountains in national solidarity. The Chinese people have been challenged. China, the nation, has been challenged. And the foreign business community in China, too, has been challenged. Nevertheless, I am confident that we will all overcome this adversity with resolve, strength, resilience and courage. It is not in the moments of ease and comfort that we found out who we truly are and for what we stand. It is instead in the times of difficultly and tragedy when we need to respond that we learn what kind of strength and character we have. And respond this nation did. The strong and swift reactions of China's senior leadership, military, non-governmental organizations, the foreign business community and civilians was remarkable. Even as so many died, so too did stories of courage and resilience emerge. Many people were saved as a result of tireless efforts and the nation did its best to provide comfort to those who lost so much. I am also proud and heartened by the efforts of our member companies and their employees. For years, AmCham-China and its membership have been very active with charitable works, giving and raising millions of RMB for a broad range of programs including poverty alleviation, healthcare, environmental awareness and education. This moment in time has tested us as companies and people. And we too have responded with nearly US$67 million to the earthquake relief. AmCham-China, as an organization, has itself pledged RMB 1 million of its own funds to the relief efforts. In addition, many of our members have provided material assistance including food, medicine, equipment, machinery, tents, flashlights and other much-need equipment, labor and expertise. This is our home. We live and work in China, and we stand behind the community and we give back to the community in time of need. For AmCham-China and its members this difficult period in China's history is a moment to show that we are committed to this country and its people through both the good and the bad.


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