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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    "Numinous Objects": The Ethnohistorical Complexities of a Residential School Bass Drum
    by Carolyn Bartlett
    Ethnohistory Field School, 2009
    In the summer of 1998 dozens of unclaimed artifacts from St. Mary's Indian Residential School were resurrected by a small salvage team in Mission, British Columbia. The items recovered included books, school uniforms, priest robes, and, most significantly, musical instruments. Over time, the uniforms and books had become moth-eaten, tattered and decayed. However, upon their discovery, the instruments appeared to be relatively unscathed by the years of careless storage they had endured. Because of their obvious historical importance to the survivors of St. Mary's, the team in Mission collected as many of the instruments and uniforms as possible and transported them to Chilliwack, British Columbia. Currently resting in the artifacts collections of the Stó:l Research and Resource Management Centre (SRRMC) in Chilliwack, only three of the dozens of instruments played in the St. Mary's brass band remain in storage. It is hoped that, if enough information can be gathered on them, these valuable objects can be used in the interpretation of the residential school experience of the Stó:l people who attended St. Mary's Indian Residential School and played in its band between 1962 and 1984. I first viewed the instruments in the artifacts collections storage room on May 11, 2009. Because the glockenspiel, missing a few of its metal bars, and the bugle, with several rust spots hidden under a thin layer of dust, were stored in their protective cases, I was immediately drawn to the large bass drum that was fully exposed and perched above the other instruments. Attractively decorated with paint on its two heads, the numinousity of the drum was obvious. With its beat marks exposing twenty-four years of wear, this instrumental leader of the St. Mary's Indian Residential School brass band has undeniable historical and cultural importance to the Stó:l people. It is eternally attached to memories of the residential school system, St. Mary's


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