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    Quick Start Guide for Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0
    W. Durfee, September, 2005 Introduction This is a quick start guide for the Pro/ENGINEER CAD application. It follows the "Beginner's Guide to Pro/ENGINEER" written by Professor Tom Chase. The latest version of the Beginners Guide is dated September 6, 2001 and covers Pro/E version 2000i2. Pro/E Wildfire was released in February, 2003 and Wildfire 2.0 released in 2004. Wildfire has a significantly different user interface than 2000i2 and version 2001 (the version between 2000i2 and Wildfire). The Quick Start Guide is updated for Wildfire 2.0, and was written for students in course ME2011 Introduction to Engineering at the University of Minnesota. Others may find it useful as a means for getting going with Pro/E. This document is available on-line at www.me.umn.edu/courses/me2011/proe/ The Quick Start Guide takes you through the creation of a rectangular block with a hole ("cubic part"), a pin that fits in the hole ("pin part"), an engineering drawing for the cubic part, and an assembly of the pin fitted into the hole. The assembly looks like this, although your colors may and should be different.
    Suggested strategy for completing the Quick Start Guide Before firing up the computer, read quickly through the Quick Start Guide to get a sense of what you have to do. Then fire up Pro/E and use the Guide to direct you through the exercise. If doing the Guide for a class assignment, read the assignment carefully to understand what deliverables are required.
    Quick Start Guide to Pro/E
    Page 1 of 21
    Under-construction note The Quick Start Guide is still in the creation stage and until it is finished you will need some additional documentation to get you through any course assignment: 1. "A Beginner's Guide to Pro/ENGINEER", available on-line at www.me.umn.edu/courses/me2011/proe/ [Guide:xx] means page xx of the Beginner's Guide. 2. "Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 Tutorial" by Roger Toogood. This is the textbook used in ME2011. Chapter 1 of Toogood has excellent getting started information for Pro/E. [TG:xx] means page xx of Toogood. Access to Pro/E At the University of Minnesota, Pro/E runs on all ITLABS computers. The Pro/E section of the ME2011 web site has information on starting up Wildfire in ITLABS. You can purchase the student version of Pro/E from to run at home. See www.journeyed.com for purchasing information. Either Wildfire or Wildfire 2.0 is fine as they have only minor differences. This guide follows Wildfire 2.0 Notation 1. L-click means click with the left mouse button, C-click and R-click mean center and right button clicks. 2. Mouse over means move the pointer over the object without clicking 3. dddd > eeee > ffff > ... means action dddd followed by eeee and so on. Typically this is a sequence of menu selections or options in a dialog box. 4. Select means left-click. 5.


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