• 中职生问题及对策 > 行政院国家科学委员会专题研究计画
  • 行政院国家科学委员会专题研究计画

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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    bound to play a critical role in the process of developing high technology of the country. However, the overall English ability of students of the institutes of technical and vocational education is lower than that of students of the institutes of general academic education as a result of insufficient English learning periods for students of the institutes of technical and vocational education as well as their lower learning motivation. Accordingly, it is important to employ total quality management strategies to increase teaching quality with a view to improving their English of students of the institutes of technical and vocational education. This study aims to propose a curriculum planning and design to improve students' English ability of the institutes of technical and vocational education, and employ total quality management strategies to increase English teaching quality in order to enhance students' learning effectiveness. This study is intended to be a two-year investigation: the first year is devoted to the investigation of the general practice of the English teaching of Southern Taiwan University of Technology (STUT), and the understanding of the causes for students' low English ability; the second year is devoted to the implementation of experimental teaching of proposed English learning courses for the students of STUT while proposing workable strategies to improve students' English learning situation and evaluating the
    effectiveness of such strategies. The specific objectives of this study are stated as follows: The objectives of the first-year study are: (1) to examine theories of total quality management and their applications in education (2) to examine the overall practice of English teaching at STUT (3) to understand the causes for students' overall unsatisfactory English learning outcome (4) to plan an total quality management based strategy for English teaching The objectives of the second-year study are: (1) to conduct an experiment on the proposed Total Quality English teaching strategy for STUT (2) to evaluate the results of the experimented Total Quality English teaching strategy and make relevant suggestions (3) to make suggestions to the relevant authorities on the basis of the evaluation of the results of the experimented English teaching strategy Keywords:Total Quality Management, Teaching Quality, Students' English Learning, Institutes of technical and vocational Education


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