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  • Making Group Decisions

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    Cooperative Extension Service
    4-H Youth Development
    4-H Volunteer Leaders' Series
    Making Group Decisions
    Mike Klumpp
    4-H Youth Development Specialist
    Problem-Solving Approach
    One of the first decisions a new group makes is what decision-making style to use during meetings. Often groups use an informal procedure that appears like a group of people talking together. Though the procedure is flexible, there is a general agreement on how to discuss information and make decisions. There is usually a list of items to cover or an agenda. Everyone has the responsibility of keeping the discussion moving and of making decisions. This is the problemsolving approach. Using this approach in your club means group leaders and members can concentrate their most creative thinking on the problems rather than on the proper way to make and dispose of motions and amendments. ● Emphasis will be on resolving differences and arriving at the best possible solution for the entire group. ● When a conflict arises, final decisions can be delayed until more adequate solutions are designed by the group. ● In a cooperative effort, members come to see the need for some "give and take." What is best for an individual is not always best for the entire group.
    ● When agreement is reached, it is ratified simply by a show of hands or a voice vote of those in favor and those opposed. Decisions your club reaches by general agreement can be as effective, or more effective, than voting.
    1. Describe the Issue or Problem
    The first step is to describe the issue or problem that needs group decision or action. State the problem clearly so that everyone knows what is under discussion. For example: "Tonight we need to discuss our participation in the county fair parade." At times it is helpful to state the problem in writing so group members have a clear understanding of the issues to be decided.


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