• Piroxicam > piroxicam
  • piroxicam

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    This information may not cover all possible uses, directions, side effects, precautions, allergic reactions, drug interactions, or withdrawal times. Rev. 05/10/2010
    Always consult your own veterinarian for specific advice concerning the treatment of your pet.
    Common Drug Name
    Common Brand Names
    Generic products are available.
    Store at room temperature in a tight, light
    resistant, childproof container.
    Piroxicam is a non-steroidal anti-
    inflammatoy drug (NSAID) that also has
    anti-tumor properties. It is most often
    used in pets for the treatment of certain
    types of cancers, especially bladder
    Dose and Administration
    Always follow the dosage instructions
    provided by your veterinarian. If you
    have difficulty giving the medication,
    contact your veterinarian.
    Oral piroxicam is given by mouth. It may
    be given with food to reduce the chance
    of stomach/intestinal side effects.
    Piroxicam in the form of a transdermal
    gel should be applied to the skin as
    directed by your veterinarian.
    If you miss a dose, give it as soon as you
    remember. If it is almost time for the
    next dose, skip the one you missed and
    go back to the regular schedule. Do not
    give 2 doses at once.
    This medication should only be given to
    the pet for whom it was prescribed.
    Possible Side Effects
    The most common side effects of
    NSAIDs, including piroxicam, are
    stomach bleeding and ulcers. Signs of


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