• wewillloveyou > PromisestoKeep:WeAreMostLikeGodWhenWeKeepOur
  • PromisestoKeep:WeAreMostLikeGodWhenWeKeepOur

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    文档作者:NZ Qualifications Authority
    PromisestoKeep:WeAreMostLikeGodWhenWeKeepOur Promises
    Abraham: The Promise Embraced by Faith
    Texts: Genesis 12:1-3; 15:1-6, 17-18; 17:1-10; Hebrews 11:8-9, 11, 17-19; Romans 4 and 6:1-4 Theme: In response to the gift of Christ, we respond in faith confirmed with the sign of baptism. Introduction: In the 42 year of history of Christ Church, we have been served by only two senior pastors. During this period there has never been a hint of financial malfeasance nor a betrayal of their marital vows. These two men have modeled the integrity of their ordination vows by being faithful shepherds of the flock. A man and a woman stand before family and friends on their wedding day and take a vow. They say, "I do promise and covenant before God and these witnesses to be thy loving and faithful husband (wife)." After 50 years of love and faithfulness you can see in their glowing faces the sweetness of their life union and a promise kept. This same husband and wife are blessed with children. They stand before their congregation and offer these gifts to the Lord in baptism. They keep the promises they made in baptism by providing a canopy of protective care and take responsibility with the help of the community of faith to lead their children to faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Would that it was always like this! We are all too familiar with ours' and others' failure to keep promises. Thankfully, we have a God of grace who understands that we are transgressors in need of forgiveness and redemption. And yet we ask…what is it that brings security and stability to a world that in almost every way seems out of control Isn't it promise keeping When we make and keep our promises we are saying, "You can count on me. I will be there for you in every changing tomorrow." Our commitment to keep our promises is only a pale reflection of the God we serve who to His very core is a promise making and a promise keeping God. During the month of January I want us to examine God's relationship with us through the motif of covenant: The thread that unites the revelation of God to us and is the unifying theme of the Bible is that of the Old and New Covenant (Testament).


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