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    Multiple Application Platform (MAP-200)
    Platform Overview
    Flexible, Dynamic Solution for Comprehensive Optical and Electro-Optical Testing
    The JDSU Multiple Application Platform (MAP-200) is designed to help manage the test and measurement needs of an industry that requires flexibility and dynamic performance. Our goal is to offer researchers, designers, and manufacturing engineers a platform that exceeds all others with its modularity, reliability, and flexibility. The MAP-200 module breadth and performance are consistent with the fiber optic technology leadership from JDSU.
    Outstanding Support
    JDSU is committed to providing you with the strongest possible application support—a commitment that extends beyond the operation of our products to understanding the specifics of the measurements being implemented. We believe in learning from every customer interaction. Combining your measurement experiences with ours and leveraging the flexibility and performance of our products, enables us to deliver more powerful solutions. We strive to optimize measurement performance, reduce cycle times, and minimize ownership costs. Together, we can create solutions within your capital budget that simplify your development, without compromising the performance and reliability necessary to keep your program or factory on track. Our next-generation products are born out of your needs. Throughout our history, we have listened to our customers with eagerness to explore new ideas and opportunities. These ideas may range from simple product enhancements to new product concepts. We have confidence in our product breadth, yet we are equally driven toward finding innovative ways to add value to your test and measurement applications.
    Targeted Tools–The MAP-200 Solution Selection Guide
    Multiple MAP-200 Mainframe Configurations
    The MAP-200 mainframes are offered in three configurations for optimal adaptability within test sets: a three-slot configuration and a 19-inch rack, eightslot configuration with either front- or rear-facing orientation for optimal fiber routing. All three configurations are 3 RU high. The MAP-200 mainframes include all hardward required for bench-top use, including rubber-accented feet located at the corners for optimal stability and vibration isolation. Investment protection is maximized for previous-generation MAP customers using a simple transition kit that allows the insertion of previously field-deployed MAP modules in the MAP-200 mainframe. The MAP-200 also provides additional cost savings by letting users share the modules within a mainframe.


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