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  • 李莫西北民歌独唱音乐会

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    演唱曲目 Recital Program
    1. 下四川(甘肃花儿)
    一溜山,两溜山,三溜山, 脚户哥下了四川. 今个牵,明个牵,每日牵, 夜夜晚夕里梦见. 脚踩上大路,心牵着你,心牵着你, 喝油也不长肉.
    1. 下四川(Gan Sun Hua'er 甘肃花 儿) 2. 在那遥远的地方 (Qinghai 青海民歌) 3. 小路 (Shan Xi 山西民歌 ) 4. 可爱的一朵玫瑰花 (Kazak nationality 哈萨克民歌) 5. 燕子(Kazak nationality 哈萨克民歌) 6. 阿拉木汗 (Uygur nationality 维吾尔 民歌) 7. 阿瓦尔古丽(Uygur nationality 维吾尔 民歌) 8. 花儿为什么这样红 (Tajik nationality 塔吉克民歌) 9. 在那银色的月光下 (Tatar nationality 塔塔尔民歌) 10. 半个月亮爬上来 (Uzbek nationality 乌兹别克民歌)
    Leaving to Si Chuan Tramping over the first mountain, the second mountain, the third mountain, The porter leaves to Sichuan. Yearning today, yearning tomorrow, yearning every day, Dreaming about you every night. Walking on the road, longing for you in my heart, Even drinking oil, I cannot gain weight.
    2. 在那遥远的地方 (Qinghai)
    在那遥远的地方有位好姑娘, 人们走过了她的帐房都要回头留恋地张望. 她那粉红的小脸好像红太阳, 她那活泼动人的眼睛好像晚上明媚的月亮. 我愿抛弃了财产跟她去放羊, 每天看着那粉红的小脸和那美丽金边的衣裳. 我愿做一只小羊跟在她身旁, 我愿她拿着细细的皮鞭不断轻轻打在我身上. In a faraway fairyland In a faraway fairyland, there is a fairy girl. Everybody who passes by her tent will go back and just linger around there. She gets pink-cheek face with her smile like a sun,
    And her eyes are charming and pretty like a moon that is shinning in the midnight. I would give up my property and go to graze with her, Looking at her face with a smile and her dress with golden-lace works. I'd come to her tiny land running by her side. Let her always swing whips flipping tenderly on my body.
    歌声使我迷了路 我从山坡滚下, 你的歌声婉转入云霞. 强壮的青年哈萨克 伊万杜达尔, 强壮的青年哈萨克 伊万杜达尔. 今天晚上请你过河来我家, 喂饱你的马儿带上冬不拉. 等那月儿升上来 拨动你的琴弦, 我俩相依歌唱在树下.
    4. 可爱的一朵玫瑰花(Kazak nationality)
    A lovely rose—Maria, A lovely rose—Maria. I rode my horse and went hunting in the mountain the other day, And you were singing beautifully at the base of the mountain, I obsessed to your beautiful voice and lost my way, Then I fell from the mountain slope, Ah, your voice is so beautiful! A strong young man—a Kazak, A strong young man—a Kazak. Please go across the river and visit my home tonight, Feed your horse and bring the Dombura. When the moon rises, play your Dombura, Ah, we lean toward each other and sing under the tree.


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