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  • FMEA(故障ー影响解析)実施手顺

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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    博子 * * , 平 冈
    伸夫***, 阳二**
    泰义 * * , 室 原
    FMEA(Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)Procedures Guide by Takeshi MATSUOKSA, Hiroko ITOH, Katsuhide HIRAOKA, Nobuo KIRIYA, Akiko KONNAI, Shigeji TSUKAHARA, Yasuyoshi ITOH And Yoji MUROHARA Abstract
    The international code of safety for high-speed craft( HSC Code) requires to undertake a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to determine whether any reasonably probable failure or improper operation can result in a hazardous or catastrophic situation. The HSC Code aims to set safety standards for a high speed craft which are equivalent to those for conventional ships required by the SOLAS Convention and the Load Line Convention. We, FMEA group at National Maritime Research Institute, conducted an FMEA to assure the safety level of the Ogasawara Techno-Super Liner at the request of the Committee of Ship Safety Evaluation, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport from December 2002 to March 2003. Afterwards we had several occasions to perform FMEAs of a similar kind on other types of high speed craft. There is a possibility that the evaluation by way of an FMEA will be required to all the conventional ships. Therefore the importance of FMEAs is expected to become greater in the future. This technical report is prepared with valuable knowledge accumulated within the FMEA group through the experience of FMEAs, and it is considered to be a useful procedural guide for future FMEAs. This report contains detailed explanations for analytical steps of an FMEA with recommended standardized format for tables and figures, which are required in the analysis. The report also includes examples of FMEAs conducted in various fields other than shipbuilding, for reference. * 宇都宫大学工学部机械システム工学科 原稿受付 平成 年 月 日 审 査 済 平成 年 月 日 **海上安全研究领域 * * * 环 境 エ ネ ル ギ ー 研 究 领 域

    1.序论2 2.安全评価手法2 2.1 FMEA(Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)2 2.2 FMECA( Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis)3 2.3 HAZOP(Hazard Operability)3 3.HSC コードにおける解析手顺 3 30. 解 析 の 枠 组 み 3 31. 作 业 実 施 手 顺 5 4.海 技 研 に お け る 実 施 手 顺 お よ び 书 式 5 4 . 1 推 奨 す る 手 顺 6 4 . 2 推 奨 す る 书 式 6 1) 运 航 モ ー ド毎 の 使 用 机 器一 覧 表6 2)システム-サブシステム-主要机器関 连 図 10 3) システム定义表10 4) 対象机器一覧表10 5) ブロック线図10 6) FMEA ワークシート10 7) コメントシート18 5. FMEA 実施における主要留意事项18 5.1 共通に使用されている配管の故障18 5.2 単一故障の影响が全システムに波及する可能 性のある场合18 5.3 一个所の故障が他の部分の正常动作を妨げる 场合20 5.4 多重化されていない机器の故障で影响が重大 なものになってしまう场合21 6.报告书作成21 6.1 评価结果集计表21 6.2 评価结果21 7.まとめ22 参考资料(他分野での FMEA)22 参考文献38


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