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    7 月刊
    总第 39 期
    安姆特检测技术标准服务中心 2010 年 7 月刊 总[ 39]期
    7 月刊
    总第 39 期
    REACH-SVHC 候选清单:
    根据 REACH Article57 标准,以及 Article59 鉴别程序,迄今为止,候选清单 (Candidate List)中共列举 38 种 SVHC. 物质被包含进候选清单时,物质被定义为 SVHC; EU=EUROPEAN UNION,欧盟; EEA=European Economic Area,欧洲经济区.
    SUBSTANCES From the date of inclusion: EU and EEA suppliers of substances on the Candidate List have to provide theircustomers with a safety data sheet. 物质 从物质被包含进候选清单之日起:欧盟和欧洲经济区的 SVHC 供应商必须向其 客户提供 SDS. PREPARATIONS From the date of inclusion: EU and EEA suppliers of preparations not classified as dangerous according toDirective1999/45/EC have to provide the recipients, at their request, with a safety data sheet if the preparations contain at least one substance on the Candidate List and its individual concentration is at least 0.1% (w/w) for non gaseous preparations and at least 0.2% by volume for gaseous preparations. 配制品 从物质被包含进候选清单之日起: 欧盟和欧洲经济区的配制品供应商在配制品满足以下条件时, 必须应接受者要求 为其提供 SDS: 配制品根据 1999/45/EC 未分类为危险配制品; 非气体配制品中至少含有一种 SVHC,且其单一浓度≥0.1%(w/w) ; 气体配制品中至少含有一种 SVHC,且其单一浓度≥0.2%. ARTICLES From the date of inclusion: EU or EEA suppliers of articles which contain substances on the Candidate List in a concentration above 0.1% (w/w) have to provide sufficient information, available to them, to their customers or upon requests, to a consumer within 45 days of the receipt of the request. This information must ensure safe use of the article and as minimum contain the name of the substance. From 2011:
    7 月刊
    总第 39 期
    EU and EEA producers or importers of articles have to notify ECHA if their article contains a substance on the Candidate List. This obligation applies if the substance is present above 0.1% (w/w) and its quantities in the produced/imported articles are above 1 tonne in total per year per company. For substances included in the Candidate List before 1 December 2010, the notifications have to be submitted not later than 1 June 2011. For substances included in the Candidate List on or after 1 December 2010, the notifications have to be submitted no later than 6 months after the inclusion. Note: A notification is not required when (i) the producer or importer of an article can exclude exposure of humans and the environment during the use and disposal of the article. In such cases, the producer or importer shall however supply appropriate instructions to the recipient of the article. (ii) The substance has already been registered for that use up the same supply chain or any other supply chain. 物品 从物质被包含进候选清单之日起: 欧盟和欧洲经济区物品供应商在物品中单一 SVHC 含有率>0.1%(w/w)时,必须 向其客户提供充足可获取的信息,或应消费者要求,在收到请求的 45 天内提供 充足可获取信息.信息应确保物品安全使用,至少应包含 SVHC 名称. 从 2011 年起: 欧盟和欧洲经济区物品制造商或进口商在物品中单一 SVHC 含有率>0.1%(w/w) 且含有量>1T/年/每制造商或进口商时,必须通报 ECHA(欧盟化学品管理局) ; 通报期限: 2010 年 12 月 1 日前归入候选清单的 SVHC,必须在 2011 年 6 月 1 日前进行通 报; 2010 年 12 月 1 日后归入候选清单的 SVHC,必须从物质归入候选清单之日起 6 个月内进行通报. 注意,以下情况,不需要通报: 物品制造商或进口商在物品使用和处置时排除向人体和环境暴露,此时,需要提 供使用说明; 物质(SVHC)在供应链上已经为该用途注册. 候选清单 SVHC 名称 Anthracene 蒽 C14H10 Anthracene oil 蒽油 (蒽 3-25%, 10-35%, 菲 荧蒽 2-15%, 芘 1-10%) 主要用途 用于制造蒽醌和染料等;用于涂层,吸收 紫外光;单晶蒽作发光材料用在闪烁计 数器上. 制造涂料,木材防腐油,杀虫剂等


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