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  • adobe illustrator cs scripting gettingstarted with javascript

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    Adobe Illustrator CS Scripting GettingStarted with JavaScript
    Scripting offers an easy way to manipulate Illustrator files programmatically. You can write scripts to create documents and objects, and to perform many of the operations that you access interactively in Illustrator, using the palettes and windows. Scripts are particularly useful as a way to automate day-to-day tasks that are complex and repetitive. You simply write the script once, and then run it any time you need to accomplish that task. This saves you both time and the effort of remembering steps and sequences of operations. Illustrator CS supports JavaScript, an easy-to-use, platform-independent scripting language. A JavaScript program, or script, takes the form of a text file with the .js extension. You can use any text editor to write your scripts, such as TextEdit, Textpad, or BBEdit. This overview will help you to become familiar with Illustrator scripting using JavaScript, by walking you through some example scripts that manipulate objects in Illustrator CS. This document assumes that:
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    You are familiar with the Illustrator user interface, as described in the Illustrator CS User Guide. You are familiar with JavaScript programming language. You have installed Illustrator CS version 11.0 and an editor to create scripts, such as Textpad or TextEdit.
    Executing JavaScript Scripts
    To run any script from Illustrator CS: 1. Choose File>Scripts>Browse. 2. Navigate to your script file. 3. Double-click the file or click Open to run the script. To make a script available as a menu item under Illustrator's File>Scripts menu, place the script file in the directory Adobe Illustrator CS\Presets\Scripts, then restart Illustrator. Each time you launch Illustrator, every script found in this location is added as a menu item ,Your script will be listed among the prebuilt Automation Scripts that are available in this directory.
    Accessing and Referencing Objects


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