• nbalive2005攻略 > 董事长:集团正迈进一个黄金时期
  • 董事长:集团正迈进一个黄金时期

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    董事长:集团正迈进一个黄金时期 Chairman: A Golden Era Lies Ahead
    恒隆集团及恒隆地产於九月中出版二零零九 / 一零年年报.随著沈阳皇城恒隆广场於年内开幕,年报亦 以「开展新天创新地标」为主题.在董事长致股东函中,陈启宗先生回顾过去一个财政年度内令人欣 慰的盛事,并阐述集团如何迈进一个黄金时代. The annual reports of the Hang Lung Group and Hang Lung Properties for 2009/2010 were released in midSeptember. With the opening of Palace 66 in Shenyang in the year, the theme of the annual reports is "A New Chapter, A New Landmark". In the Chairman's Letter to Shareholders, Mr. Ronnie Chan reviewed highlights of the past fiscal year and explained how the Group will be entering the next golden era.
    Group Highlight
    Results & Dividend
    For the year ended 30 June 2010, net profit attributable to shareholders jumped more than fourfold to HK$22,256 million while the underlying net profit advanced nearly two times to HK$6,674 million. Underlying earnings per share similarly increased to HK$1.61. It is gratifying that at this 50th year of our parent Hang Lung Group Limited (originally called Hang Lung Development Company Limited), we as its primary subsidiary should reach new heights in both net profit attributable to shareholders as well as dividend, if approved.
    恒隆集团及恒隆地产董事长 陈启宗先生 Mr. Ronnie C. Chan, Chairman of Hang Lung Group and Hang Lung Properties
    The covers of the Annual Reports feature Palace 66 in Shenyang, which marks the start of the Group's golden era.
    Business Review
    The two highlights of this fiscal year were the successful sales of completed Hong Kong apartments at the beginning and the opening of Palace 66 in Shenyang towards the very end. The former is a further reaping of correct decisions made in the past and the latter signals a new era for the Company. Shenyang Palace 66 heralds an era where we will open one or more new world-class commercial complexes each year. Even if we do not buy more land, which is highly unlikely, this streak will still continue for many years.
    截至二零一零年六月三十日止,年度之 股东应占纯利增加逾四倍至港币二百二 十二亿五千六百万元,基本纯利上升近 两倍至港币六十六亿七千四百万元.每 股基本盈利之升幅相若,升至港币一元 六角一仙. 欣逢母公司恒隆集团有限公司 (前称恒隆


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