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  • 中国地方病学杂志

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    中国地方病学杂志 2007 年 3 月 20 日第 26 卷第 2 期 Chin J Endemiol袁 Mar 20袁 2007袁Vol 26袁 No.2
    氟化物对成纤维细胞和成骨细胞骨形态 发生蛋白-2 表达的影响
    井玲 张秀云 齐玲 李广生

    用体外细胞培养的方法袁将细胞分为对照组和 6 个染氟渊F 袁0.1尧1.0尧100.0尧1 000.0尧10 000.0尧20 000.0 滋g 辕 L冤组袁
    【摘要】 目的 观察氟化物对成纤维细胞和成骨细胞骨形态发生蛋白-2渊BMP-2冤表达的影响遥 方法
    分别在 5 个染氟时间段渊2尧4尧24尧48尧72 h冤收集培养上清液和细胞袁应用酶联免疫吸附法渊ELISA冤和免疫组化方 法检测 BMP-2 蛋白袁RT-PCR 方法检测染氟 48 h BMP-2 mRNA 的表达遥 结果 1.0尧1 000.0 滋g 辕 L 组成纤维细胞 BMP-2 阳性着色较对照组增强曰 染氟 72 h袁 培养上清中 BMP-2 蛋白在 1.0尧 氟 48 h BMP-2 mRNA 表达呈普遍增强趋势袁但差异无统计学意义渊P > 0.05冤曰免疫组化检查袁可见染氟 0.1尧
    100.0尧20 000.0 滋g 辕 L 组分别为渊0.11 依 0.01冤尧渊0.11 依 0.01冤尧渊0.11 依 0.01冤袁与对照组渊0.07 依 0.01冤比较有明显增高 程度更为明显遥 结论 BMP-2 可能是氟化物诱导成纤维细胞中成骨细胞核心结合因子琢1渊cbfa1冤和骨钙素渊OCN冤表达的重要中介环节遥 【关键词】 氟化物曰 成纤维细胞曰 成骨细胞曰 骨形态发生蛋白 2曰 细胞培养
    渊P 约 0.05冤遥 与染氟成纤维细胞比较袁染氟成骨细胞 BMP-2 mRNA 和蛋白表达升高出现早袁持续时间较长袁增强
    成纤维细胞和成骨细胞在氟化物的刺激下袁BMP-2 mRNA 和蛋白表达有所升高袁 推测
    Effect of fluoride on the expression of Bone morphogenetic protein 2 in fibroblasts and osteoblasts JING Ling,ZHA NG Xiu鄄yun,QI Ling,LI Ghuang鄄sheng. Department of Pathology,Institute of Endemic Diseases, Corresponding author:LI Ghuang鄄sheng,Email: ligs@public.cc.jl.cn 【Abstract】 Objective To study the effects of fluoride on the expression of Bone morphogenetic protein 2 渊BMP鄄2冤 in fibroblast and osteoblast. Methods Fibroblasts and osteoblasts were exposed to a series of and immunohistochemistry 渊IHC冤 method. Results In fibroblasts袁 the content of BMP鄄2 protein increased obviously in fluoride of 1.0袁 100.0 and 20 000.0 滋g 辕 L at 72 h compared with control group 渊P 约 0.05冤. A strong Jilin University,Changchun 130021,China
    concentrations of fluoride 0袁 0.1袁1.0袁100.0袁1 000.0袁10 000.0袁20 000.0 滋g 辕 L袁 respectively. At the time of 2袁4袁24袁48 and 72 h袁 the levels of BMP鄄2 mRNA and protein at certain time were measured using RT鄄PCR袁 ELISA expression of BMP鄄2 was observed in fibroblasts treated with fluoride of 0.1袁 1.0 and 1 000.0 滋g 辕 L for 48 h袁 but without statistical difference. The expression of BMP鄄2 mRNA were higher in fluoride groups than it was in control group. While in osteoblast袁 the expression of BMP鄄2 induced by fluoride were much earlier袁 longer and stronger. Conclusions important role in enhancing the levels of Core鄄binding factor 琢1渊cbfa1冤 and oeteocalcin and further in promoting osteogenetic function in fibroblast. 【Key words】 Fluorides曰 Fibroblasts曰 Osteoblasts曰 Bone morphogenetic protein 2曰 Cell culture


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