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  • 'dysgwr/dysgwraig'

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    The Cadw Swn Guide to Speaking Cymraeg Simply, Confidently and Painlessly
    Colin Jones
    Cadw Swn
    The Cadw Swn Guide to Speaking Cymraeg Simply, Confidently and Painlessly
    gan Colin Jones Hawlfraint Cadw Swn/Colin Jones MMII Llun gan William Brown 'Welsh' is an ugly word; it means foreign. 'Wales' means land of the foreigner. Cymry means 'my people', Cymru 'the land of my people'. Likewise in Cymraeg 'dysgwr/dysgwraig' refers to someone who is learning Cymraeg. Unfortunately it is often used to describe someone who has learnt welsh, the term Cymro Cymraeg/Cymraes Cymraeg being reserved for 'Welsh speakers'. The sooner we ditch these historically misleading terms in both languages the better for all of us. Let's just get on with living and speaking our chosen languages whoever we are, wherever we live.
    Cymraeg is a straightforward language to learn and speak. I don't joke about these things. If you've come this far, then with a little perseverance and application you will become a perfectly happy and confident speaker of Cymraeg. You will find many opportunities in your life to speak with other siaradwyr wherever you live. You will notice the value of the language in your professional and business life. You will also have another window on the world, with another perspective. Many more books, films and stories to experience; sometimes a clearer picture. It's certainly worth the effort, and a funny thing seems to happen at this point;
    The Myth of 'Difficult' Languages
    You get more out than you put in.
    We can sometimes make things appear difficult, however. Tutors, in particular, seem take a perverse pride in displaying the intricacies of grammar; they think it makes them look good. They might be wrong. The truth is that if a language, any language, were 'difficult' people just wouldn't speak it. It wouldn't work, it wouldn't hold together. It might be 'different' in some ways, it might make you laugh at its simplicity or frustrated at its apparent complexity, but if it's difficult then you're just not looking at it the right way. (We'll return to this later.) Anyway, from my perspective, ie an average 'dysgwr', who became an average 'siaradwr' here are a few tips I picked up along the way. If only I knew now what I knew then. (Or should that be the other way around )


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