• revolutionarycwm > characteristics!
  • characteristics!

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    What Engineers Do
    Before they build the real thing...
    …they first build models …and then learn from them
    7 IBM Software Group | 8 IBM Software Group |
    Engineering Models
    Engineering model: A reduced representation of some system
    Characteristics of Useful Models
    Emphasize important aspects while removing irrelevant ones
    Expressed in a form that is readily understood by observers
    Faithfully represents the modeled system
    Predictive Purpose: To help us understand a complex problem or solution To communicate ideas about a problem or solution To drive implementation
    IBM Software Group |
    Modeled system Modeled system
    Model Model
    Can be used to derive correct conclusions about the modeled system
    Much cheaper to construct and study than the modeled system
    To be useful, engineering models must satisfy all of these characteristics!
    10 IBM Software Group |
    How Models are Used
    To detect errors and omissions in designs before committing full resources to full implementation
    Through (formal) analysis and experimentation Investigate and compare alternative solutions Minimize engineering risk
    A Problem with Models
    .. .. ..
    To communicate with stakeholders
    Clients, users, implementers, testers, documenters, etc.
    Semantic Gap due to: Semantic Gap due to: Idiosyncrasies of actual Idiosyncrasies of actual construction materials construction materials Construction methods Construction methods Scaling effects Scaling effects Skill sets Skill sets Misunderstandings Misunderstandings Can lead to serious errors Can lead to serious errors and discrepancies in the and discrepancies in the realization realization
    To drive implementation
    11 IBM Software Group | 12
    IBM Software Group |
    Models of Software
    A description of the software which


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