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    Agilent Technologies Inniium 90000 Series Oscilloscopes
    Data Sheet
    Engineered for unmatched real-time measurement accuracy
    Performance Enhanced
    Why choose Agilent oscilloscopes for your toughest high-speed measurement challenges
    As an engineer you're no stranger to tough challenges that help you to deliver high standards and meet your customer's needs better than anyone else can. But deploying your next design successfully is even more difcult when you're incorporating today's high-speed technologies. Signal eyes become smaller, and measurement error from your oscilloscope becomes less tolerable. Agilent is committed to providing the best measurement solutions for those tough challenges.
    The Agilent Infiniium 90000 Series oscilloscopes are engineered to give you unmatched real-time measurement accuracy so you can: 1. Use your jitter budget in your design, not on your oscilloscope. 2. Pass today's demanding compliance tests more quickly. 3. Debug your toughest designs with confidence.
    90000A Series Inniium oscilloscopes
    91304A 91204A 90804A 90604A 90404A 90254A
    Real-time bandwidth on 4 ch
    13 GHz 12 GHz 8 GHz 6 GHz 4 GHz 2.5 GHz
    Maximum sampling rate on 4 ch
    40 GSa/s on 4 ch 40 GSa/s on 4 ch 40 GSa/s on 4 ch 20 GSa/s on 4 ch* 20 GSa/s on 4 ch* 20 GSa/s on 4 ch*
    Standard memory
    10 Mpts on 4 ch 10 Mpts on 4 ch 10 Mpts on 4 ch 10 Mpts on 4 ch 10 Mpts on 4 ch 10 Mpts on 4 ch
    Maximum memory
    1 Gpts on 4 ch 1 Gpts on 4 ch 1 Gpts on 4 ch 1 Gpts on 4 ch 1 Gpts on 4 ch 1 Gpts on 4 ch
    Noise oor at 100 mV/div
    3.37 mVrms 2.80 mVrms 2.22 mVrms 1.92 mVrms 1.56 mVrms 1.27 mVrms
    *DSA model numbers come standard with 20 Mpts of memory on 4 ch.
    How much time span can I capture
    Sampling Rate
    40 GSa/s 20 GSa/s
    10 Mpts of memory
    250 μs 500 μs
    20 Mpts of memory
    500 μs 1 ms
    50 Mpts of memory
    1.25 ms 2.5 ms


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