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  • 台湾妇产科医学会

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    台湾妇产科医学会 96 年度年会暨扩大学术研讨会 2007 年 3 月 24 日 星期六
    8:30 (1 楼)101 特别演讲:台韩年青医师学术交流
    主持人:张峰铭 苏怡宁 8:30~8:50 Management of primary abdominal pregnancy: twelve years of experience in Taiwan……萧胜文 8:50~9:10 Quantitative analysis of SMN1 and SMN2 Genes Based on DHPLC: a Highly efficient and reliable carrier-screening test……林芯伃 9:10~9:30 The expression of 14-3-3 and Bcl-2 family proteins in the placenta of preeclmapsia……Seon-Im Kim 9:30~9:50 The effect of extra chromosome 21 to gene expression variation in amniocytes—a new insight of trisomy 21……周静玉 9:50~10:10 The efficacy and safety according to dose of combined preparation of Black Cohosh and St.John's wort extracts in menopausal women……Jong-June Kim 主持人:郑文芳 陈信孚 10:30~10:50 Prospective comparison of the short and long protocols of GnRH agonist with recombinant FSH for women undergoing IVF/ICSI treatments……何积泓 10:50~11:10 Expression of VEGF predicts response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in bulky cervical carcinoma……Chel-Hun Choi 11:10~11:30 Serum mesothelin in epithelial ovarian carcinoma: a new screening marker and prognostic factor……黄家彦 11:30~11:50 Treatment of advanced ovarian cancer with paclitaxel- or carboplatin-based intraperitoneal hyperthermic chemotherapy……Jeong-Hoon Bae 11:50~12:10 The safety and efficacy of belotecan in patients with recurrent or refractory ovarian cancer……Eun-Ji Nam
    (3 楼)301 主持人:余慕贤 何志明 妇科口头报告 OG 1~5 主持人:曾志仁 朱堂元 妇科口头报告 OG 6~9
    (4 楼)401 主持人:黄思诚 张维君 妇科口头报告 OG 18~22 主持人:叶联舜 黄顺贤 妇科口头报告 OG 23~26
    (4 楼)402 AB 主持人:蔡永杰 陈信孚 生殖内分泌口头报告 OF 1~9
    (4 楼)402 CD 主持人:刘嘉燿 郑博仁 产科口头报告 OO 1~9
    10:00 10:30
    Coffee 主持人:洪耀钦 江其鑫 妇科口头报告 OG 10~13 主持人:刘复兴 廖琼玲 妇科口头报告 OG 14~17
    Break 主持人:蔡鸿德 胡玉铭 生殖内分泌口头报告 OF 10~18 主持人:严孟禄 王家玮 内视镜口头报告 OE 1~4 主持人:廖基元 吴东璧 内视镜录影带 VE 1-4
    主持人:何师竹 王博辉 妇科口头报告 OG 27~31 主持人:袁九重 江千代 妇科口头报告 OG 32~35
    午餐会报(台大医院国际会议中心 13:30
    2 楼 201)
    主持人:曾启瑞 蔡鸿德 13:30~13:50 Comparison of tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) and trans-obturator suburethral tape from inside to outside (TVT-O) for treatment of urodynamic stress incontinence……林姿吟 13:50~14:10 Proinflammatory macrophage migration inhibition factor and interleukin-6 are concentrated in human fetuses with prenatal chylothorax……陈明 14:10~14:30 Autofluorescence can tell the physiological menstrual phases of endometrium……陈致宇 14:30~14:50 Combined testing of HPV and novel methylation markers improves the detection of cervical neoplasia……赖鸿政


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