• pcpb50 > 循环型社会形成推进基本法
  • 循环型社会形成推进基本法

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    Plastic & Sustainable Development Forum 11th Nov., 2008, Tuesday Hong Kong Polytechnical University
    Experiences of Plastic Waste Management in Japan, focusing on Public Awareness Campaign and Educational Activities
    Hisao Ida / Takushi Kamiya
    Plastic Waste Management Institute, Japan
    Presentation Topics
    Introduction 1 Current situation of plastic waste management in Japan
    1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 Legislative framework Flow of plastic products, waste and recycling Material recycle, chemical recycle and energy recovery Hot topics in the field of "3R" of plastic waste in Japan 2-2-1 Shopping bag reduction 2-2-2 Changing waste collection system in central Tokyo 2-2-3 Tray to tray recycling of PSP Education support in school Educational support on the WEB site
    2 Treatment system of waste plastics
    3 Public Awareness Campaign and Educational Activities of PWMI
    3-1 3-2
    Introduction 1 Plastic Waste Management Institute, Japan
    Foundation: Present Members: Nov. 1971 18 corporations (resin manufactures), 3 organization, 4 supporting members
    Mission: To research and develop systems for optimal processing of plastic waste and effective use of processed waste as a resource, and to promote the use of these systems. Recent activities with emphasis:
    - Development of recycling technologies for plastics waste. (Recycling of CD products, agriculture PO films) - LCA based study on benefit of plastics use and recycling method of plastics (Eco-efficiency analysis of plastic containers & packaging waste treatment under the recycling law) - Communication on usefulness of plastics and understanding on energy recovery, and promotion of correct understanding on plastics among children (Environmental education in school)
    . There can be no sustained economic growth without adequate waste management system.
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