• myoneandonly > CLINICAL

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    文档作者:USCA Authorized User
    CLINICAL D.I.T.I. is providing the answers in the diagnosis of pain. The only method available for visualising pain and pathology. Can assess pain and pathology anywhere on the body. Is a very useful adjunctive procedure to other diagnostic tools. Is very cost effective, risk free and provides instant images.
    Whether your pain is "Acute" or "Chronic", D.I.T.I. can help you, and your healthcare professional to safely get you back to better health.
    Filling the gap in clinical diagnosis…..
    X-Ray, C.T. Ultrasound and M.R.I. etc are all tests of 'anatomy' that measure the structures of your body….. DITI is unique in its capability to show physiological change and metabolic processes. Vascular Inflammatory Pain Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging
    For information and appointments please contact:
    "I actually began to wonder if my pain was real. With all of the tests I'd had, surely one should have shown some reason for my pain. With the DITI scan, my doctor, my family and I can see the cause of my pain, and now I know I'm not going crazy." Newcastle DITI patient
    DITI has been recognised as a viable diagnostic tool since 1987 by the AMA Council on Scientific Affairs, the ACA Council on Diagnostic Imaging, the Congress of Neuro-Surgeons in 1988 and in 1990 by the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
    The Only Method Available for
    Your Pain
    Copyright Meditherm Inc. 2003
    What is Infrared Imaging
    Digital infrared thermal imaging is a totally non-invasive clinical imaging procedure for detecting and monitoring a number of diseases and physical injuries, by showing the thermal abnormalities present in the body. It is used as an aid for diagnosis and prognosis, as well as monitoring therapy progress, for conditions and injuries, including:
    Back Injuries Arthritis Headache Nerve Damage Unexplained Pain Fibromyalgia RSD (CRPS) Dental and TMJ Artery Inflammation Vascular Disease Breast Disease Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Disc Disease Inflammatory Pain Skin Cancer Referred Pain Syndrome Sprain/Strain Stroke Screening Whiplash Digestive Disorders


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