• 北京市交管局网站限号 > 北京市广安门南街四十二号一
  • 北京市广安门南街四十二号一

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:PDF   更新时间:2003-04-03   下载次数:0   点击次数:1
    主题:ADV020331 Tungda (GEM) *_*
    Natural Beauty brand, the provision of beauty training courses and assisting Beijing NB with the
    development of franchise networks. The appointment of the Operator is effective for a period of 5
    years from 2 July 2002 to 1 July 2007. After taking into account the product life cycles of most of
    the cosmetic equipments situated in the Natural Beauty spas and the average depreciation period
    of the Entrusted Assets, the Directors believe the Entrusted Period of 5 years is reasonable.
    During the term of the appointment, the Operator shall in each year prepay to Beijing NB an
    annual asset management fee for the following year in the amount of RMB4,204,000 (equivalent
    to approximately HK$3,966,000) being 1/5 of the value of the Entrusted Assets. The value of the
    Entrusted Assets determined with reference to the audited net asset value of Beijing NB was
    RMB21,022,135 (equivalent to approximately HK$19,832,203) as at 1 July 2002. The Operator
    shall be entitled to retain any profits generated by the Entrusted Assets under her management and
    operation during the Entrusted Period. On the other hand, the Operator shall be obligated to
    undertake any losses arising from the Entrusted Assets under her management and operation
    during the Entrusted Period.
    Security Deposit
    As security for the Operator's obligations under the Assets Entrusted Agreement, the Operator
    shall deposit a security deposit with Beijing NB in an amount equivalent to the aggregate Annual
    Asset Management Fee payable by the Operator during the Entrusted Period. The Operator has
    paid 50% of the Security Deposit by cash upon signing of the Assets Entrusted Agreement. The
    remaining 50% of the Security Deposit was to be satisfied by way of a mortgage on the Operator's
    property. Pursuant to the terms of the Assets Entrusted Agreement, the Operator and Beijing NB
    shall enter into a Property Mortgage Agreement. In the event that the Operator shall fail to remit


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