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  • Acknowledgements

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    The Catechism speaks of a "vocation to chastity." Two key words used in the description are self-mastery and integrity. Chastity, as a virtue, is a part of the cardinal virtue of temperance. The virtue of temperance seeks to guide the passions and appetites of the human person by the use of reason. Chastity, as a specific part of the general virtue of temperance, seeks to order the exercise of our human sexuality through the use of our reason, always guided and informed by faith. Chastity also involves a gift or grace from God to help us in our following of Christ. As self-mastery, chastity involves the ability of a person to deny himself in favor of a higher good. This self-denial is an essential component of love. Integrity means that we have a respect for the human person, both physical and moral. Our body is used in ways that are in keeping with the design given by our Creator. Morally, we direct all of our human actions in accord with the moral law and right reason. The elements of this program do not simply look at how our human sexuality operates, nor do they simply offer a list of acceptable or unacceptable actions. Our goal is to provide an overview of how our spiritual, social, and physical lives are shaped by a truly Christian understanding of a life characterized by joyfully living the virtue of chastity. As a result, you will note that there are some general teachings on the mystery of God to help ground the teachings related to chastity. All things flow from our relationship with God, and by living out that relationship as "a being at once corporeal and spiritual" (CCC 362). Areas such as family, vocation, prayer, and a healthy environment for the development of young people all form a part of this approach.
    A Parent Centered Program
    There are many ways in which the topics related to human sexuality have been presented. Many approaches focus on classroom instruction as the primary element or core of their program. In 1995 the Pontifical Council for the Family issued a document entitled "The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality." This document offers guidance on how the question of forming young people in these critical, yet sensitive areas of human sexuality, should be addressed. At the very heart of this document is the understanding that parents are the primary teachers of their children. This is especially true in the formation of children for a life of healthy and holy chastity. The questions around human sexuality require a certain maturity and development on the part of the child for a proper and healthy understanding. Those best situated to know their children and what they need are the very ones who have given them life and nurture them on a daily basis. The document specifically notes a concern for the "years of innocence," as Pope John Paul II refers to them. These are the years generally from the age of five to the onset of puberty. Children at this time are generally not overtly interested in sexual matters, and this natural innocence should not be disturbed. They do begin to develop a personal understanding of the distinctions of male and female, especially as they observe the roles of their parents. Parents are best situated to monitor the needs of their child at this stage of his or her life, and are able to provide appropriate and sufficient information for their healthy development and their safety, without going into great details that may not be age appropriate.


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