• gonewiththeflow > "Versesofthedragon
  • "Versesofthedragon

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    Angel Careaga
    Saga of the Dragon-Warrior
    Saga 5: Nirosune, Planet of the Ancients
    Nirosunian Ruins Narrator: Gosan reappeared only an instant later on the planet portrayed by the Wizard, Nirosune. There, he was first encountered by total darkness. Of sweet serenity he found that darkness. It came of no vile hatred or from no unnatural realms. Peaceful night in which the stars shone from above calmed him. Deciding to wait till Dawn spread her lovely form over the landscape, Gosan hovered instead in meditation, concentrating on scanning the planet. The whole time he remained in the SS11 form, attempting to turn this high form of evolution into his natural form. Meditating quietly and illuminated by energy's great aura, he began to feel the many things that characterized his new home. It seemed to his unequivocal mind that the planet remained mostly not one whole environment of Ki, but many. In each he found many interesting things: life and death, emptiness and fruitfulness, love and hatred. This planet sat shrouded in more history and mystery than any he had thus found. He knew that within that planet's circumference, its boundaries, there remained the knowledge he desired. Through the night he meditated. Late, just before sunrise, he began to research on how to pull in Ki at a rate equal to the usage of it. He began to understand the way to recycle what was emitted in his radiation and how to store more. Thus the balance of energy in the Universe became his knowledge, and his alone. Glorious night of relaxed and revealing thought! At length, just as the corona of the sun kissed the horizon, the light bending around to run into him, he philosophized and thought again of what lay beyond. The math revealed to him in simple geometries of the Universe. Connections, curves, paths, all that described the dimensions of all things he understood in better ways than science. He began to see the paradigm in Path of Transformations. His mind raced to greet the knowledge. With a jolt of surprise, some understanding he knew pounded through his head, scaring him to wake. The sun had risen and now shone across his face. He put the thoughts to rest, though the truth remains that when the string of the harp oscillates, it never fully ceases, as does thought ring about the head until plucked again… Taking in the glorious beauty of the gentle giant (Gosan begrudged stars none), he turned about to see what had been revealed. His eyes widened in amazement. Across the vast distances, for as far as he could see or even cared to for that matter, stood structures. Yet each and every one, he observed, stood old and in ruins. 'How long,' he thought, 'have they been here ' Yet he knew the answer without reply: thousands of years. At once he descended down into the city, landing in a courtyard between two great palaces. Around it he listened for signs of life, he heard none. Turning to the sun, he saw there a tree, and approached the leafless organism. It stood petrified and still, hard as granite and gray as it too. 'Unbelievable!' he thought, touching the surface of the stone-tree, 'This city could be tens of thousands of years old.'


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