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  • combean@sourceforgenet

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:PDF   更新时间:2009-04-07   下载次数:0   点击次数:1
    Combean/Grooml a simple modelling language for the Java platform
    Thomas Schickinger combean@sourceforge.net
    Optimization for everybody

    O.R. Technology should be for everybody:
    Modelling languages provide simple access to optimization technology. An increasing set of problems can be solved without expert knowledge by applying powerful, generic optimization codes. Possible applications can be found everywhere...

    Why has O.R. Technology not yet made it into the 'ordinary' enterprise application developer's toolkit
    The integration challenge
    General purpose O.R. Systems Modelling gap Mathematical models Technical (Often) special modelling gap languages or native language APIs (C/C+ +/Fortran/...)

    Enterprise Applications Business object models Dominated by Java and .Net
    The integration of O.R. Technology into Enterprise Applications ...

    ... requires expert knowledge and ... only gets some support by expensive high-end, commercial systems.

    → Applications with simple optimization requirements need a simple solution!
    Objectives of Grooml

    A mathematical modelling language that is

    Expressive Simple to learn Easy to integrate with enterprise applications written in Java

    Use cases:

    Applications where constructing the model is no performance bottleneck Rapid prototyping Teaching
    Grooml model = Groovy code

    Grooml models are real Groovy code:

    Leverage expressiveness of Groovy Language easy to learn for Java/Groovy developers Direct integration of Java or Groovy business objects Access to numerous tools and libraries available in the Java+Groovy world (graph drawing, interfaces to office applications, XML import/export, networking, s...)
    Why Groovy

    Dynamic scripting language → supports flexible definition of domain-specific languages:

    'Pretended' methods and data members Builder pattern Categories


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