• aggressivelink > Urbana-Champaign
  • Urbana-Champaign

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    BY ADRIAN JENKYN LEE B.S., Northwestern University, 1998 B.S., Northwestern University, 1998
    THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000
    Urbana, Illinois
    MECHANICAL DESIGN AND INTERNET-BASED CONTROL OF THE GYROBOT Adrian Jenkyn Lee, M.S. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000 Mark W. Spong, Advisor In this thesis we consider the control of the Gyroscopic Pendulum, an underactuated pendulum, consisting of a single link with an inertial, motor-driven flywheel mounted at the free end. We first discuss the mechanical design of the Gyrobot, including the motor selection and link stiffness requirements, plus the controller interface from a PC. We next derive the motion equations, and determine empirically and theoretically the system parameters by techniques utilizing conservation of energy and free response oscillation frequency. Both Non-collocated and Collocated Partial
    Feedback Linearization swing up controllers were investigated and designed to yield linearized closed-loop dynamics. Balancing controllers including classical PD and PID, state feedback, and Feedback Linearization algorithms are developed to stabilize the Gyrobot in the unstable vertical equilibrium. Root locus and pole placement techniques are used for obtaining the desired closed-loop responses of the PD and state feedback controllers respectively, while energy minimization techniques are used to develop the Feedback Linearization controller. Hysteresis switches are
    developed to combine the swing up and balancing controllers. With the conclusion of the design of the Gyrobot and obtaining reliable and repeatable controlling algorithms, an internet-based controller was developed using Java, which allows the remote operation of the Gyrobot through the world wide web. As a result, internet-based laboratories can be conducted by students studying controls related material through their home PC's.


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