• circleof > rfahrens@mindspringcom
  • rfahrens@mindspringcom

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    The Circle
    A Newsletter for the Athens Area Meher Baba Community May 2001
    Memories of the 2001 Southeast Gathering
    "Spiritual progress is not a process of accumulating from outside; it is a process of unfoldment from within. The Master is absolutely necessary for anyone to arrive at self-knowledge, but the true significance of the help given by the Master consists in the fact that he enables others to come into the full possession of their own possibilities."
    Meher Baba, Lord Meher, Vol. 8, pg. 2849
    Climbing into the foothills with the sun rising; feeling like we are headed for a wondrous realm in a hidden valley Minutes after arriving, laying my head at the foot of the shrine made for arti; realizing that I've been wanting to do that since last year Conversations on the porch near the rocking chairs Bob carrying Emma around in the dining hall, introducing her to the Baba community Seeing different people holding Emma throughout the gathering - her presence drawing people together Leatrice's face while talking about Baba Pratap square dancing; Swaroop playing in the dance band The abandonment and joy on the square dancers' faces Sitting on the grass in front of the office trading songs with Nan People saying the Prayers; the humility and earnestness in their postures
    Ed Legum as "Woody Armani" & Peter Potter as the '"Ukulele Lady"
    The Circle
    Layout & design: Lisa Jackson Editing: Bob Ahrens Submit stories, artwork, ideas, comments, receive the Circle (free): rfahrens@mindspring.com Next Issue's Theme: "A Moment That Touched My Heart"
    Rose Mattio singing "On Eagle's Wings" in the Talent Show
    On the campground watching the full moon sail through the clouds At the Dhuni, Bob Underwood's laughing face, sitting among the singers Seeing my three sons sitting together on the ground near the Dhuni fire Pratap and Swaroop's music filling every cubic inch of Mandali Hall Flowers at the Arti shrine trembling under the ceiling fans Late night, finding Gus and Austin in adjacent rocking chairs, talking The talent show in its entirety, but especially -Woody Armani, Peter and his coconuts; Will David holding up his orange sign one act too soon; Rose singing the eagle song


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