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  • 地图地名译注作业规范与资料库建置

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    The Specification of Geographical Name Translation and Database Establishmen
    黄恩铭1,许哲明2 En-Ming Huang, Je-Ming Shiu 摘 要
    军用地图上地名大都是双语注记,其译注从早期采用「中英译音表」 (1944 年,美国陆军制图局), 「地名译注法」 (1959 年,联勤测量制图厂),或傅安明先 生编著的「地名译注作业法」 (1963 年),及「地名汉字译音表」 (1971 年,联勤 测量署)等均采用「韦德斋尔斯修正式译音法」 (或称「威妥玛式」;惟其已不符时 ) 代潮流,汉字地名译注国际标准化的书写形式,早在 1979 年美国地名委员会,英 国皇家地理学会地名常设委员会及联合国就采用中共「汉语拼音」了,1982 年国 际标准化组织(ISO)订定「汉语拼音」为汉字地名译注的国际标准,台北市市政 府在 2002 年 10 月决议中文译音采用国际通行的「汉语拼音」为主;但行政院於 2002 年核备教育部所呈报「通用拼音」为中文罗马译音之统一标准,且内政部於 2003 年 6 月亦颁订「地名英文译写原则」 ,2003 年 12 月修正发布「地名译写原则 」 .很显然现行军用地图与现况中央或地方采用地名译注法迥异,就地图产制单位 而言,地图上之地名势必配合委制者需求作业之,因而对主要译注法需要妥善准 备因应,订定译注作业规范,进而建置地名译注资料库(含「韦德斋尔斯式」「 , 汉语拼音」「通用拼音」,以利各项地图制作需求运用. , ) 关键字:地名,韦德斋尔斯式,汉语拼音,通用拼音
    Geographical names are mostly bilingual note on the military map, its translation is adopted ' key to Wade-Giles Romanization of Chinese Characters ' in early days (1944, US ARMY MAP SERVICE ), 'Geographical Name Romanization law ' (1959, MAPPING PLANT C.S.F.), or An-Ming Fu ' Geographical Name Romanization Working law ' (1963), and ' Geographical Name Chinese Character Romanization ' (1971, C.S.F.),etc. adopt by ' Modified Romanization for Wade-Giles System' (or not call by ' Wade system '); But it has not accorded with the tendency of the day yet, Chinese Character Name Romanization writes the form internationally and standardizedly, The U.S.Board on Geographic Names , the British royal permanent
    1 2
    国防部军备局生产制造中心测工官 国防部军备局生产制造中心副主任
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    committee of name of the place of geography society and the United Nations adopted The People's Republic of China ' Chinese Phonetic Alphabets ' as far back as 1979, it was a international standard of Chinese Character Name Romanization that International Standards Organization (ISO ) stipulated ' Chinese Phonetic Alphabets 'in 1982, the municipal government of Taibei resolved in October of 2002 that it is a main fact that the Chinese transliteration adopts the international and current ' Chinese Phonetic Alphabets '; But it was a Chinese unified standard of transliteration of Rome that the executive organ prepared against ' Tongyong Romanization System ' that Ministry of Education reported nuclearly to in 2002, and Ministry of Internal Affairs is it book ' name of the place English translate principle of writing ' , is it release ' name translate principle of writing ' to revise will it be December 2003 to issue also on will it be June 2003. Obviously military map present and the center adopt Name Romanization law differently in the locality, in respect to producing and making the unit in map, last committee making person demand homework name on whose name is in map, therefore need appropriate preparation and answers to the main law of annotation of translation , stipulate the work norm of the annotation of translation, and establish database of annotation of translation of Geographical name (including ' Wade-Giles System ' , ' Chinese Phonetic Alphabets ' , ' Tongyong Romanization System '), for every map making demand and used. Keywords: Geographical names,Wade-Giles System,Chinese Phonetic Alphabets, Tongyong Romanization System


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