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  • 新东方四级模拟题

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    87. hard for him to catch up with his fellow students 88. did the mobile phone I just bought cost me too much 89. get used to working nonstop for a couple of hours 90. should fail to work on his computer without power 91. closely related to environmental degradation
    Section A 11. M: Tracy, I missed Prof. Shoesmith's class yesterday for some reasons I can't tell you now. Could you tell me the assignments he gave us W: No worries. Prof. Shoesmith was out for a conference and failed to give the lesson. He will not be available to make up for it till next Tuesday. Q: What can't we infer from the dialogue 12. W: I'm awfully sorry I'm late again, but I got caught in a traffic jam; you know what transportation was like this time of day. M: Well, it appears that you have more traffic jams than other colleagues. It's the fourth time you are late within two weeks. Q: What did the man try to indicate 13. W: Eric said that Tokyo is a great place for holding academic conferences. M: He's certainly in a position to say that. After all, he's been there quite often. Q: What does the man consider Eric 14. W: Mr. Johnathon, I wonder whether it's possible for me to take a vacation early next month. I want to have a chance to get together with my family members. M: Did you fill up a request form It's of necessity to go through some formalities. Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers 15. W: Since you have made so many business trips, you must have visited many cities all over the city. M: I wish I had, but besides many domestic cities, New York and London are the only two foreign cities I've ever been to. Q: What does the man mean 16. W: Would you please, Mr. Smith, tell me what do you feel about child labor


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