• thesisresults > DESY-THESIS-2002-005
  • DESY-THESIS-2002-005

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    Topics in Higgs Phenomenology
    Chung Kao [Jung Gau] University of Oklahoma Norman OK
    at the National Central University, December 29, 2004.
    The Higgs Challenge at the LHC
    Introduction: The Standard Model The Minimal Supersymmetric Model
    bφ→b +
    Two Higgs Doublet Models
    gg → ZA0 bb → ZA0
    S. Dawson, D. Dicus, C. Kao and R. Malhotra, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 241801 (2004). C. Kao, G. Lovelace and L. Orr,Phys. Lett. B567, 259 (2003). C. Kao and S. Sachithanandam, OUHEP-04-03 (2004).
    The Standard Model Higgs Boson
    In the SM, there is one Higgs doublet and a spin-0 particle: the Higgs boson (H). It can be produced at colliders: Its decays are well known: Why has't it been discovered yet We need higher energy and higher luminosity!
    The Search for the SM Higgs boson
    Mass limit from LEP 2 With a CM energy up to GeV and L = 100 pb1 per experiment, a stringent mass limit for the Higgs boson at 95% C.L. is MH > 114 GeV/c2
    Discovery potential of hadron colliders
    The Tevatron Run II might be able to discover a Higgs boson up to 130 GeV with 20 fb1, or it will exclude the Higgs boson at 95% C.L. with 10 fb1. The LHC will be able to observe a SM Higgs boson with a mass up to approximately 1 TeV.
    Stange, Marciano, and Willenbrok (1994); Han and Zhang (1998). CMS Technical Proposal (1994); ATLAS Technical Proposal (1994); ATLAS Technical Design Report (1999).
    Implications of Electroweak Precision Data for Higgs Mass with New mt
    M.W. Grunewald (2003); The D0 Collaboration (2004)
    The Search for New Particles at Hadron Colliders
    We need accelerators: Fermilab Tevatron Collider near Chicago and CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva. We need detectors: D0 and CDF (Tevatron), as well as ATLAS and CMS (LHC). We look for e, , γ (photon), jets, and hadrons (mesons or baryons). A jet = a quark, an anti-quark, or a gluon.
    Statistical Significance


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