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  • Pillsbury-Barton

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    Human Resources Newsletter
    February 2007 Benefits (Lily Skyer, ext. 2719)
    Open Enrollment Confirmations
    The 2007 benefit plan year has begun and many of you have asked about benefit confirmations for your 2007 elections. In the past, confirmations were printed and mailed to you in the intra-campus mail or to your home address. This year your benefit confirmations are available on-line through Oracle Self Service. Now you can view your benefit elections anytime you want. The Benefit option on Oracle Self Service allows you to see what benefit elections you made for 2007, your cost, if any, who your dependents are, and your coverage amounts for basic and, if applicable, voluntary life insurance for you and your spouse or eligible child(ren). Now that benefit confirmations are available to you on Oracle Self Service, printed confirmations will not be sent to you. Only those employees who do not have a USD email address will be provided with a printed benefits confirmation. After reviewing your benefit elections on Self Service, if you have any questions regarding your benefits, please feel free to contact Sue Pillsbury-Barton at ext. 2737 or Shalom Robson at ext. 2718, or email at usdbenefits@sandiego.edu. Please contact the human resources office immediately to report any discrepancies. In addition to the Benefits option on Oracle Self-Service, other features available to you include access to copies of your pay slips, copies of your W-2, and your personal information, such as current address, phone number and emergency contacts. Oracle Self Service also allows you to make address changes, update your emergency contacts, change your W-4 tax withholding, and request or make changes to direct deposit of your paycheck to your bank account. Changes to your benefits cannot be made on Self Service at this time. We hope to make this feature available to you later this year. Oracle Self-Service is easy to navigate. Go to www.sandiego.edu/hr/training to see just how easy it really is. Click on Performance Resource Center for a short tutorial that shows you how you can make changes in Oracle Self Service. If you don't already have access to Oracle Self-Service, you will be provided with access before the end of February. You will receive an email notice telling you how to access Self Service.


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