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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    In a typical distribution channel setting con is an accepted and forgone conclusion. ict A basic examination of the underlying economics reveals that the goals (read pro…ts) of channel members are often orthogonal to each other. Imagine a simple channel structure with a manufacturer and a retailer. Quite simply, in such a channel, the orthogonality manifests itself in manufacturers seeking to sell their products at higher wholesale prices and the retailer (channel members) looking to lower those very prices. This wholesale price, and associated payments if any, determine the ratio in which pro…ts are shared between the manufacturer and the retailer in a distribution channel. The retail price, on the other hand, determines the demand and hence the total channel pro…t. Since the wholesale price plays such a critical role in the determination channel member pro…ts, it would seem only natural that channel members attempt to in uence it to their advantage. It is rather implausible then that any one member of the distribution channel would have complete authority in the setting of these wholesale prices. The following excerpt illustrates this point... "Even though Barnes & Noble is the biggest bookstore chain in the country, Mr. Leonard Riggio (of Barnes & Noble) has recently complained that publishers o¤er better wholesale deals to other kinds of retailers, like warehouse or specialty stores. For the last decade, independent bookstores have …led a series of antitrust lawsuits against publishers and the national chains Barnes & Noble and Borders, arguing that the chains shake down publishers for unfair deals that are not made available to small stores. The independents' continuing litigation kept both publishers and the national chains on tiptoe in their price talks. In April, however, Barnes & Noble and Borders reached a favorable settlement to end the independents' most recent suit, and now both publishers and booksellers have returned to the bargaining table with renewed determination." The New York Times, November 26, 2001


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