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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    "Gain Up To 1" Or More In Only 31 Days!"
    By Doberman Dan Author of the "Hyper Growth Muscle Mass Training" Program
    "31 Days To Bigger Arms"
    by Doberman Dan
    Dear Friend, I'm not kidding! You can have significantly bigger arms in only 31 days! How much bigger That depends on a lot of factors. You weren't able to select your parents so you're stuck with your genetic potential to build muscles. You may have a good potential or you may be like many of the rest of us who have average (or worse than average) potential. My bet is if you've been training for any length of time and are the proverbial easy-gainer (good genetics) then you probably wouldn't even be reading this article. If you're an easy-gainer just about anything you do works to build bigger muscles. (I've always hated those guys!) If you're like the rest of us, you've had to practically sweat blood for every single ounce of muscle you've built. Don't feel bad, you're not alone, my friend! So let's get back to my original question. How much can you increase your arm size in 31 days If you follow a practical arm specialization program and do everything else correctly (diet, rest, supplements, etc.) I think it is realistic for a person of average genetics to gain 1" on your arms. Can I guarantee that No, it might be more and it might be less. But even " gain on your upper arms can make a fairly impressive change in your physique.
    So how are we going to get you started First of all, when following any kind of specialization program, you'll need to cut back on the volume and frequency of training for the rest of your body. You want to simply maintain the rest of your physique while specializing on arms. We'll be stressing your recovery abilities by more frequent training for the arms, along with increased volume and intensity so we need to keep that delicate balance in your recovery ability. Here's a routine that I suggest you follow (this excludes your arm routine which we'll get to in a minute):


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